Source code for gpiozero.pins.rpio

from __future__ import (
str = type('')

import warnings

import RPIO
import RPIO.PWM
from RPIO.Exceptions import InvalidChannelException

from .local import LocalPiPin, LocalPiFactory
from .data import pi_info
from ..exc import (

[docs]class RPIOFactory(LocalPiFactory): """ Uses the `RPIO`_ library to interface to the Pi's GPIO pins. This is the default pin implementation if the RPi.GPIO library is not installed, but RPIO is. Supports all features including PWM (hardware via DMA). .. note:: Please note that at the time of writing, RPIO is only compatible with Pi 1's; the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is *not* supported. Also note that root access is required so scripts must typically be run with ``sudo``. You can construct RPIO pins manually like so:: from gpiozero.pins.rpio import RPIOFactory from gpiozero import LED factory = RPIOFactory() led = LED(12, pin_factory=factory) .. _RPIO: """ def __init__(self): super(RPIOFactory, self).__init__() RPIO.setmode(RPIO.BCM) RPIO.setwarnings(False) RPIO.wait_for_interrupts(threaded=True) RPIO.PWM.setup() RPIO.PWM.init_channel(0, 10000) self.pin_class = RPIOPin def close(self): RPIO.PWM.cleanup() RPIO.stop_waiting_for_interrupts() RPIO.cleanup()
[docs]class RPIOPin(LocalPiPin): """ Pin implementation for the `RPIO`_ library. See :class:`RPIOFactory` for more information. .. _RPIO: """ GPIO_FUNCTIONS = { 'input': RPIO.IN, 'output': RPIO.OUT, 'alt0': RPIO.ALT0, } GPIO_PULL_UPS = { 'up': RPIO.PUD_UP, 'down': RPIO.PUD_DOWN, 'floating': RPIO.PUD_OFF, } GPIO_FUNCTION_NAMES = {v: k for (k, v) in GPIO_FUNCTIONS.items()} GPIO_PULL_UP_NAMES = {v: k for (k, v) in GPIO_PULL_UPS.items()} def __init__(self, factory, number): super(RPIOPin, self).__init__(factory, number) self._pull = 'up' if self.factory.pi_info.pulled_up(repr(self)) else 'floating' self._pwm = False self._duty_cycle = None self._bounce = None self._edges = 'both' try: RPIO.setup(self.number, RPIO.IN, self.GPIO_PULL_UPS[self._pull]) except InvalidChannelException as e: raise ValueError(e) def close(self): self.frequency = None self.when_changed = None RPIO.setup(self.number, RPIO.IN, RPIO.PUD_OFF) def _get_function(self): return self.GPIO_FUNCTION_NAMES[RPIO.gpio_function(self.number)] def _set_function(self, value): if value != 'input': self._pull = 'floating' try: RPIO.setup(self.number, self.GPIO_FUNCTIONS[value], self.GPIO_PULL_UPS[self._pull]) except KeyError: raise PinInvalidFunction('invalid function "%s" for pin %r' % (value, self)) def _get_state(self): if self._pwm: return self._duty_cycle else: return RPIO.input(self.number) def _set_state(self, value): if not 0 <= value <= 1: raise PinInvalidState('invalid state "%s" for pin %r' % (value, self)) if self._pwm: RPIO.PWM.clear_channel_gpio(0, self.number) if value == 0: RPIO.output(self.number, False) elif value == 1: RPIO.output(self.number, True) else: RPIO.PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, self.number, start=0, width=int(1000 * value)) self._duty_cycle = value else: try: RPIO.output(self.number, value) except ValueError: raise PinInvalidState('invalid state "%s" for pin %r' % (value, self)) except RuntimeError: raise PinSetInput('cannot set state of pin %r' % self) def _get_pull(self): return self._pull def _set_pull(self, value): if self.function != 'input': raise PinFixedPull('cannot set pull on non-input pin %r' % self) if value != 'up' and self.factory.pi_info.pulled_up(repr(self)): raise PinFixedPull('%r has a physical pull-up resistor' % self) try: RPIO.setup(self.number, RPIO.IN, self.GPIO_PULL_UPS[value]) self._pull = value except KeyError: raise PinInvalidPull('invalid pull "%s" for pin %r' % (value, self)) def _get_frequency(self): if self._pwm: return 100 else: return None def _set_frequency(self, value): if value is not None and value != 100: raise PinPWMError( 'RPIOPin implementation is currently limited to ' '100Hz sub-cycles') if not self._pwm and value is not None: self._pwm = True # Dirty hack to get RPIO's PWM support to setup, but do nothing, # for a given GPIO pin RPIO.PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, self.number, start=0, width=0) RPIO.PWM.clear_channel_gpio(0, self.number) elif self._pwm and value is None: RPIO.PWM.clear_channel_gpio(0, self.number) self._pwm = False def _get_bounce(self): return None if self._bounce is None else (self._bounce / 1000) def _set_bounce(self, value): if value is not None and value < 0: raise PinInvalidBounce('bounce must be 0 or greater') f = self.when_changed self.when_changed = None try: self._bounce = None if value is None else int(value * 1000) finally: self.when_changed = f def _get_edges(self): return self._edges def _set_edges(self, value): f = self.when_changed self.when_changed = None try: self._edges = value finally: self.when_changed = f def _call_when_changed(self, channel, value): super(RPIOPin, self)._call_when_changed() def _enable_event_detect(self): RPIO.add_interrupt_callback( self.number, self._call_when_changed, self._edges, self.GPIO_PULL_UPS[self._pull], self._bounce) def _disable_event_detect(self): try: RPIO.del_interrupt_callback(self.number) except KeyError: # Ignore this exception which occurs during shutdown; this # simply means RPIO's built-in cleanup has already run and # removed the handler pass