1. Installing GPIO Zero
GPIO Zero is installed by default in the Raspberry Pi OS desktop image, Raspberry Pi OS Lite image, and the Raspberry Pi Desktop image for PC/Mac, all available from raspberrypi.org. Follow these guides to installing on other operating systems, including for PCs using the remote GPIO feature.
1.1. Raspberry Pi
GPIO Zero is packaged in the apt repositories of Raspberry Pi OS, Debian and Ubuntu. It is also available on PyPI.
1.1.1. apt
First, update your repositories list:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt update
Then install the package for Python 3:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt install python3-gpiozero
or Python 2:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt install python-gpiozero
1.1.2. pip
If you’re using another operating system on your Raspberry Pi, you may need to use pip to install GPIO Zero instead. Install pip using get-pip and then type:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo pip3 install gpiozero
or for Python 2:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo pip install gpiozero
To install GPIO Zero in a virtual environment, see the Development page.
1.2. PC/Mac
In order to use GPIO Zero’s remote GPIO feature from a PC or Mac, you’ll need to install GPIO Zero on that computer using pip. See the Configuring Remote GPIO page for more information.
1.3. Documentation
This documentation is also available for offline installation like so:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt install python-gpiozero-doc
This will install the HTML version of the documentation under the
path. To view the offline
documentation you have several options:
You can open the documentation directly by visiting
file:///usr/share/doc/python-gpiozero-doc/html/index.html in your browser.
However, be aware that using file://
URLs sometimes breaks certain elements.
To avoid this, you can view the docs from an http://
style URL by starting
a trivial HTTP server with Python, like so:
$ python3 -m http.server -d /usr/share/doc/python-gpiozero-doc/html
Then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.
Alternatively, the package also integrates into Debian’s doc-base system, so you can install one of the doc-base clients (dochelp, dwww, dhelp, doc-central, etc.) and use its interface to locate this document.
If you want to view the documentation offline on a different device, such as an eReader, there are Epub and PDF versions of the documentation available for download from the ReadTheDocs site. Simply click on the “Read the Docs” box at the bottom-left corner of the page (under the table of contents) and select “PDF” or “Epub” from the “Downloads” section.