Source code for

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from __future__ import (
str = type('')

from random import random
from time import sleep
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
from itertools import cycle
from math import sin, cos, pi
    from statistics import mean
except ImportError:
    from .compat import mean

[docs]def negated(values): """ Returns the negation of the supplied values (``True`` becomes ``False``, and ``False`` becomes ``True``). For example:: from gpiozero import Button, LED from import negated from signal import pause led = LED(4) btn = Button(17) led.source = negated(btn.values) pause() """ for v in values: yield not v
[docs]def inverted(values, input_min=0, input_max=1): """ Returns the inversion of the supplied values (*input_min* becomes *input_max*, *input_max* becomes *input_min*, `input_min + 0.1` becomes `input_max - 0.1`, etc.). All items in *values* are assumed to be between *input_min* and *input_max* (which default to 0 and 1 respectively), and the output will be in the same range. For example:: from gpiozero import MCP3008, PWMLED from import inverted from signal import pause led = PWMLED(4) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) led.source = inverted(pot.values) pause() """ if input_min >= input_max: raise ValueError('input_min must be smaller than input_max') for v in values: yield input_min + input_max - v
[docs]def scaled(values, output_min, output_max, input_min=0, input_max=1): """ Returns *values* scaled from *output_min* to *output_max*, assuming that all items in *values* lie between *input_min* and *input_max* (which default to 0 and 1 respectively). For example, to control the direction of a motor (which is represented as a value between -1 and 1) using a potentiometer (which typically provides values between 0 and 1):: from gpiozero import Motor, MCP3008 from import scaled from signal import pause motor = Motor(20, 21) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) motor.source = scaled(pot.values, -1, 1) pause() .. warning:: If *values* contains elements that lie outside *input_min* to *input_max* (inclusive) then the function will not produce values that lie within *output_min* to *output_max* (inclusive). """ if input_min >= input_max: raise ValueError('input_min must be smaller than input_max') input_size = input_max - input_min output_size = output_max - output_min for v in values: yield (((v - input_min) / input_size) * output_size) + output_min
[docs]def clamped(values, output_min=0, output_max=1): """ Returns *values* clamped from *output_min* to *output_max*, i.e. any items less than *output_min* will be returned as *output_min* and any items larger than *output_max* will be returned as *output_max* (these default to 0 and 1 respectively). For example:: from gpiozero import PWMLED, MCP3008 from import clamped from signal import pause led = PWMLED(4) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) led.source = clamped(pot.values, 0.5, 1.0) pause() """ if output_min >= output_max: raise ValueError('output_min must be smaller than output_max') for v in values: yield min(max(v, output_min), output_max)
[docs]def absoluted(values): """ Returns *values* with all negative elements negated (so that they're positive). For example:: from gpiozero import PWMLED, Motor, MCP3008 from import absoluted, scaled from signal import pause led = PWMLED(4) motor = Motor(22, 27) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) motor.source = scaled(pot.values, -1, 1) led.source = absoluted(motor.values) pause() """ for v in values: yield abs(v)
[docs]def quantized(values, steps, input_min=0, input_max=1): """ Returns *values* quantized to *steps* increments. All items in *values* are assumed to be between *input_min* and *input_max* (which default to 0 and 1 respectively), and the output will be in the same range. For example, to quantize values between 0 and 1 to 5 "steps" (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0):: from gpiozero import PWMLED, MCP3008 from import quantized from signal import pause led = PWMLED(4) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) led.source = quantized(pot.values, 4) pause() """ if steps < 1: raise ValueError("steps must be 1 or larger") if input_min >= input_max: raise ValueError('input_min must be smaller than input_max') input_size = input_max - input_min for v in scaled(values, 0, 1, input_min, input_max): yield ((int(v * steps) / steps) * input_size) + input_min
[docs]def booleanized(values, min_value, max_value, hysteresis=0): """ Returns True for each item in *values* between *min_value* and *max_value*, and False otherwise. *hysteresis* can optionally be used to add `hysteresis`_ which prevents the output value rapidly flipping when the input value is fluctuating near the *min_value* or *max_value* thresholds. For example, to light an LED only when a potentiometer is between 1/4 and 3/4 of its full range:: from gpiozero import LED, MCP3008 from import booleanized from signal import pause led = LED(4) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) led.source = booleanized(pot.values, 0.25, 0.75) pause() .. _hysteresis: """ if min_value >= max_value: raise ValueError('min_value must be smaller than max_value') min_value = float(min_value) max_value = float(max_value) if hysteresis < 0: raise ValueError("hysteresis must be 0 or larger") else: hysteresis = float(hysteresis) if (max_value - min_value) <= hysteresis: raise ValueError('The gap between min_value and max_value must be larger than hysteresis') last_state = None for v in values: if v < min_value: new_state = 'below' elif v > max_value: new_state = 'above' else: new_state = 'in' switch = False if last_state == None or not hysteresis: switch = True elif new_state == last_state: pass else: # new_state != last_state if last_state == 'below' and new_state == 'in': switch = v >= min_value + hysteresis elif last_state == 'in' and new_state == 'below': switch = v < min_value - hysteresis elif last_state == 'in' and new_state == 'above': switch = v > max_value + hysteresis elif last_state == 'above' and new_state == 'in': switch = v <= max_value - hysteresis else: # above->below or below->above switch = True if switch: last_state = new_state yield last_state == 'in'
[docs]def all_values(*values): """ Returns the `logical conjunction`_ of all supplied values (the result is only ``True`` if and only if all input values are simultaneously ``True``). One or more *values* can be specified. For example, to light an :class:`LED` only when *both* buttons are pressed:: from gpiozero import LED, Button from import all_values from signal import pause led = LED(4) btn1 = Button(20) btn2 = Button(21) led.source = all_values(btn1.values, btn2.values) pause() .. _logical conjunction: """ for v in zip(*values): yield all(v)
[docs]def any_values(*values): """ Returns the `logical disjunction`_ of all supplied values (the result is ``True`` if any of the input values are currently ``True``). One or more *values* can be specified. For example, to light an :class:`LED` when *any* button is pressed:: from gpiozero import LED, Button from import any_values from signal import pause led = LED(4) btn1 = Button(20) btn2 = Button(21) led.source = any_values(btn1.values, btn2.values) pause() .. _logical disjunction: """ for v in zip(*values): yield any(v)
[docs]def averaged(*values): """ Returns the mean of all supplied values. One or more *values* can be specified. For example, to light a :class:`PWMLED` as the average of several potentiometers connected to an :class:`MCP3008` ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008, PWMLED from import averaged from signal import pause pot1 = MCP3008(channel=0) pot2 = MCP3008(channel=1) pot3 = MCP3008(channel=2) led = PWMLED(4) led.source = averaged(pot1.values, pot2.values, pot3.values) pause() """ for v in zip(*values): yield mean(v)
[docs]def summed(*values): """ Returns the sum of all supplied values. One or more *values* can be specified. For example, to light a :class:`PWMLED` as the (scaled) sum of several potentiometers connected to an :class:`MCP3008` ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008, PWMLED from import summed, scaled from signal import pause pot1 = MCP3008(channel=0) pot2 = MCP3008(channel=1) pot3 = MCP3008(channel=2) led = PWMLED(4) led.source = scaled(summed(pot1.values, pot2.values, pot3.values), 0, 1, 0, 3) pause() """ for v in zip(*values): yield sum(v)
[docs]def multiplied(*values): """ Returns the product of all supplied values. One or more *values* can be specified. For example, to light a :class:`PWMLED` as the product (i.e. multiplication) of several potentiometers connected to an :class:`MCP3008` ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008, PWMLED from import multiplied from signal import pause pot1 = MCP3008(channel=0) pot2 = MCP3008(channel=1) pot3 = MCP3008(channel=2) led = PWMLED(4) led.source = multiplied(pot1.values, pot2.values, pot3.values) pause() """ def _product(it): p = 1 for n in it: p *= n return p for v in zip(*values): yield _product(v)
[docs]def queued(values, qsize): """ Queues up readings from *values* (the number of readings queued is determined by *qsize*) and begins yielding values only when the queue is full. For example, to "cascade" values along a sequence of LEDs:: from gpiozero import LEDBoard, Button from import queued from signal import pause leds = LEDBoard(5, 6, 13, 19, 26) btn = Button(17) for i in range(4): leds[i].source = queued(leds[i + 1].values, 5) leds[i].source_delay = 0.01 leds[4].source = btn.values pause() """ if qsize < 1: raise ValueError("qsize must be 1 or larger") q = [] it = iter(values) for i in range(qsize): q.append(next(it)) for i in cycle(range(qsize)): yield q[i] try: q[i] = next(it) except StopIteration: break
[docs]def smoothed(values, qsize, average=mean): """ Queues up readings from *values* (the number of readings queued is determined by *qsize*) and begins yielding the *average* of the last *qsize* values when the queue is full. The larger the *qsize*, the more the values are smoothed. For example, to smooth the analog values read from an ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008 from import smoothed with MCP3008(channel=0) as adc: for value in smoothed(adc.values, 5): print value """ if qsize < 1: raise ValueError("qsize must be 1 or larger") q = [] it = iter(values) for i in range(qsize): q.append(next(it)) for i in cycle(range(qsize)): yield average(q) try: q[i] = next(it) except StopIteration: break
[docs]def pre_delayed(values, delay): """ Waits for *delay* seconds before returning each item from *values*. """ if delay < 0: raise ValueError("delay must be 0 or larger") for v in values: sleep(delay) yield v
[docs]def post_delayed(values, delay): """ Waits for *delay* seconds after returning each item from *values*. """ if delay < 0: raise ValueError("delay must be 0 or larger") for v in values: yield v sleep(delay)
[docs]def pre_periodic_filtered(values, block, repeat_after): """ Blocks the first *block* items from *values*, repeating the block after every *repeat_after* items, if *repeat_after* is non-zero. For example, to discard the first 50 values read from an ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008 from import pre_periodic_filtered with MCP3008(channel=0) as adc: for value in pre_periodic_filtered(adc.values, 50, 0): print value Or to only display every even item read from an ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008 from import pre_periodic_filtered with MCP3008(channel=0) as adc: for value in pre_periodic_filtered(adc.values, 1, 1): print value """ if block < 1: raise ValueError("block must be 1 or larger") if repeat_after < 0: raise ValueError("repeat_after must be 0 or larger") it = iter(values) if repeat_after == 0: for _ in range(block): next(it) while True: yield next(it) else: while True: for _ in range(block): next(it) for _ in range(repeat_after): yield next(it)
[docs]def post_periodic_filtered(values, repeat_after, block): """ After every *repeat_after* items, blocks the next *block* items from *values*. Note that unlike :func:`pre_periodic_filtered`, *repeat_after* can't be 0. For example, to block every tenth item read from an ADC:: from gpiozero import MCP3008 from import post_periodic_filtered with MCP3008(channel=0) as adc: for value in post_periodic_filtered(adc.values, 9, 1): print value """ if repeat_after < 1: raise ValueError("repeat_after must be 1 or larger") if block < 1: raise ValueError("block must be 1 or larger") it = iter(values) while True: for _ in range(repeat_after): yield next(it) for _ in range(block): next(it)
[docs]def random_values(): """ Provides an infinite source of random values between 0 and 1. For example, to produce a "flickering candle" effect with an LED:: from gpiozero import PWMLED from import random_values from signal import pause led = PWMLED(4) led.source = random_values() pause() If you require a wider range than 0 to 1, see :func:`scaled`. """ while True: yield random()
[docs]def sin_values(period=360): """ Provides an infinite source of values representing a sine wave (from -1 to +1) which repeats every *period* values. For example, to produce a "siren" effect with a couple of LEDs that repeats once a second:: from gpiozero import PWMLED from import sin_values, scaled, inverted from signal import pause red = PWMLED(2) blue = PWMLED(3) red.source_delay = 0.01 blue.source_delay = red.source_delay red.source = scaled(sin_values(100), 0, 1, -1, 1) blue.source = inverted(red.values) pause() If you require a different range than -1 to +1, see :func:`scaled`. """ angles = (2 * pi * i / period for i in range(period)) for a in cycle(angles): yield sin(a)
[docs]def cos_values(period=360): """ Provides an infinite source of values representing a cosine wave (from -1 to +1) which repeats every *period* values. For example, to produce a "siren" effect with a couple of LEDs that repeats once a second:: from gpiozero import PWMLED from import cos_values, scaled, inverted from signal import pause red = PWMLED(2) blue = PWMLED(3) red.source_delay = 0.01 blue.source_delay = red.source_delay red.source = scaled(cos_values(100), 0, 1, -1, 1) blue.source = inverted(red.values) pause() If you require a different range than -1 to +1, see :func:`scaled`. """ angles = (2 * pi * i / period for i in range(period)) for a in cycle(angles): yield cos(a)