A simple interface to GPIO devices with Raspberry Pi.
Created by Ben Nuttall of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, Dave Jones, and other contributors.
Component interfaces are provided to allow a frictionless way to get started with physical computing:
from gpiozero import LED
from time import sleep
led = LED(17)
while True:
With very little code, you can quickly get going connecting your components together:
from gpiozero import LED, Button
from signal import pause
led = LED(17)
button = Button(3)
button.when_pressed = led.on
button.when_released =
The library includes interfaces to many simple everyday components, as well as some more complex things like sensors, analogue-to-digital converters, full colour LEDs, robotics kits and more. See the Recipes chapter of the documentation for ideas on how to get started.
GPIO Zero is installed by default in the Raspbian desktop image, available from To install on Raspbian Lite or other operating systems, including for PCs using remote GPIO, see the Installing chapter.
Comprehensive documentation is available at Please refer to the Contributing and Development chapters in the documentation for information on contributing to the project.
Table of Contents¶
- 1. Installing GPIO Zero
- 2. Basic Recipes
- 3. Advanced Recipes
- 4. Configuring Remote GPIO
- 5. Remote GPIO Recipes
- 6. Pi Zero USB OTG
- 7. Source/Values
- 8. Command-line Tools
- 9. Frequently Asked Questions
- 10. Contributing
- 11. Development
- 12. API - Input Devices
- 13. API - Output Devices
- 14. API - SPI Devices
- 15. API - Boards and Accessories
- 16. API - Internal Devices
- 17. API - Generic Classes
- 18. API - Device Source Tools
- 19. API - Pi Information
- 20. API - Pins
- 21. API - Exceptions
- 22. Changelog
- 23. License