Source code for gpiozero.mixins

from __future__ import (
nstr = str
str = type('')

import inspect
import weakref
from functools import wraps
from threading import Event
from collections import deque
from time import time
    from statistics import median
except ImportError:
    from .compat import median

from .threads import GPIOThread
from .exc import (

[docs]class ValuesMixin(object): """ Adds a :attr:`values` property to the class which returns an infinite generator of readings from the :attr:`value` property. There is rarely a need to use this mixin directly as all base classes in GPIO Zero include it. .. note:: Use this mixin *first* in the parent class list. """ @property def values(self): """ An infinite iterator of values read from `value`. """ while True: try: yield self.value except DeviceClosed: break
[docs]class SourceMixin(object): """ Adds a :attr:`source` property to the class which, given an iterable, sets :attr:`value` to each member of that iterable until it is exhausted. This mixin is generally included in novel output devices to allow their state to be driven from another device. .. note:: Use this mixin *first* in the parent class list. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._source = None self._source_thread = None self._source_delay = 0.01 super(SourceMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): try: super(SourceMixin, self).close() except AttributeError: pass self.source = None def _copy_values(self, source): for v in source: self.value = v if self._source_thread.stopping.wait(self._source_delay): break @property def source_delay(self): """ The delay (measured in seconds) in the loop used to read values from :attr:`source`. Defaults to 0.01 seconds which is generally sufficient to keep CPU usage to a minimum while providing adequate responsiveness. """ return self._source_delay @source_delay.setter def source_delay(self, value): if value < 0: raise BadWaitTime('source_delay must be 0 or greater') self._source_delay = float(value) @property def source(self): """ The iterable to use as a source of values for :attr:`value`. """ return self._source @source.setter def source(self, value): if self._source_thread is not None: self._source_thread.stop() self._source_thread = None self._source = value if value is not None: self._source_thread = GPIOThread(target=self._copy_values, args=(value,)) self._source_thread.start()
[docs]class SharedMixin(object): """ This mixin marks a class as "shared". In this case, the meta-class (GPIOMeta) will use :meth:`_shared_key` to convert the constructor arguments to an immutable key, and will check whether any existing instances match that key. If they do, they will be returned by the constructor instead of a new instance. An internal reference counter is used to determine how many times an instance has been "constructed" in this way. When :meth:`close` is called, an internal reference counter will be decremented and the instance will only close when it reaches zero. """ _INSTANCES = {} def __del__(self): self._refs = 0 super(SharedMixin, self).__del__() @classmethod
[docs] def _shared_key(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Given the constructor arguments, returns an immutable key representing the instance. The default simply assumes all positional arguments are immutable. """ return args
[docs]class EventsMixin(object): """ Adds edge-detected :meth:`when_activated` and :meth:`when_deactivated` events to a device based on changes to the :attr:`~Device.is_active` property common to all devices. Also adds :meth:`wait_for_active` and :meth:`wait_for_inactive` methods for level-waiting. .. note:: Note that this mixin provides no means of actually firing its events; call :meth:`_fire_events` in sub-classes when device state changes to trigger the events. This should also be called once at the end of initialization to set initial states. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EventsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._active_event = Event() self._inactive_event = Event() self._when_activated = None self._when_deactivated = None self._last_state = None self._last_changed = time()
[docs] def wait_for_active(self, timeout=None): """ Pause the script until the device is activated, or the timeout is reached. :param float timeout: Number of seconds to wait before proceeding. If this is ``None`` (the default), then wait indefinitely until the device is active. """ return self._active_event.wait(timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_inactive(self, timeout=None): """ Pause the script until the device is deactivated, or the timeout is reached. :param float timeout: Number of seconds to wait before proceeding. If this is ``None`` (the default), then wait indefinitely until the device is inactive. """ return self._inactive_event.wait(timeout)
@property def when_activated(self): """ The function to run when the device changes state from inactive to active. This can be set to a function which accepts no (mandatory) parameters, or a Python function which accepts a single mandatory parameter (with as many optional parameters as you like). If the function accepts a single mandatory parameter, the device that activated will be passed as that parameter. Set this property to ``None`` (the default) to disable the event. """ return self._when_activated @when_activated.setter def when_activated(self, value): self._when_activated = self._wrap_callback(value) @property def when_deactivated(self): """ The function to run when the device changes state from active to inactive. This can be set to a function which accepts no (mandatory) parameters, or a Python function which accepts a single mandatory parameter (with as many optional parameters as you like). If the function accepts a single mandatory parameter, the device that deactivated will be passed as that parameter. Set this property to ``None`` (the default) to disable the event. """ return self._when_deactivated @when_deactivated.setter def when_deactivated(self, value): self._when_deactivated = self._wrap_callback(value) @property def active_time(self): """ The length of time (in seconds) that the device has been active for. When the device is inactive, this is ``None``. """ if self._active_event.wait(0): return time() - self._last_changed else: return None @property def inactive_time(self): """ The length of time (in seconds) that the device has been inactive for. When the device is active, this is ``None``. """ if self._inactive_event.wait(0): return time() - self._last_changed else: return None def _wrap_callback(self, fn): if fn is None: return None elif not callable(fn): raise BadEventHandler('value must be None or a callable') elif inspect.isbuiltin(fn): # We can't introspect the prototype of builtins. In this case we # assume that the builtin has no (mandatory) parameters; this is # the most reasonable assumption on the basis that pre-existing # builtins have no knowledge of gpiozero, and the sole parameter # we would pass is a gpiozero object return fn else: # Try binding ourselves to the argspec of the provided callable. # If this works, assume the function is capable of accepting no # parameters try: inspect.getcallargs(fn) return fn except TypeError: try: # If the above fails, try binding with a single parameter # (ourselves). If this works, wrap the specified callback inspect.getcallargs(fn, self) @wraps(fn) def wrapper(): return fn(self) return wrapper except TypeError: raise BadEventHandler( 'value must be a callable which accepts up to one ' 'mandatory parameter') def _fire_activated(self): # These methods are largely here to be overridden by descendents if self.when_activated: self.when_activated() def _fire_deactivated(self): # These methods are largely here to be overridden by descendents if self.when_deactivated: self.when_deactivated() def _fire_events(self): old_state = self._last_state new_state = self._last_state = self.is_active if old_state is None: # Initial "indeterminate" state; set events but don't fire # callbacks as there's not necessarily an edge if new_state: self._active_event.set() else: self._inactive_event.set() elif old_state != new_state: self._last_changed = time() if new_state: self._inactive_event.clear() self._active_event.set() self._fire_activated() else: self._active_event.clear() self._inactive_event.set() self._fire_deactivated()
[docs]class HoldMixin(EventsMixin): """ Extends :class:`EventsMixin` to add the :attr:`when_held` event and the machinery to fire that event repeatedly (when :attr:`hold_repeat` is ``True``) at internals defined by :attr:`hold_time`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._hold_thread = None super(HoldMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._when_held = None self._held_from = None self._hold_time = 1 self._hold_repeat = False self._hold_thread = HoldThread(self) def close(self): if self._hold_thread: self._hold_thread.stop() self._hold_thread = None try: super(HoldMixin, self).close() except AttributeError: pass def _fire_activated(self): super(HoldMixin, self)._fire_activated() self._hold_thread.holding.set() def _fire_deactivated(self): self._held_from = None super(HoldMixin, self)._fire_deactivated() def _fire_held(self): if self.when_held: self.when_held() @property def when_held(self): """ The function to run when the device has remained active for :attr:`hold_time` seconds. This can be set to a function which accepts no (mandatory) parameters, or a Python function which accepts a single mandatory parameter (with as many optional parameters as you like). If the function accepts a single mandatory parameter, the device that activated will be passed as that parameter. Set this property to ``None`` (the default) to disable the event. """ return self._when_held @when_held.setter def when_held(self, value): self._when_held = self._wrap_callback(value) @property def hold_time(self): """ The length of time (in seconds) to wait after the device is activated, until executing the :attr:`when_held` handler. If :attr:`hold_repeat` is True, this is also the length of time between invocations of :attr:`when_held`. """ return self._hold_time @hold_time.setter def hold_time(self, value): if value < 0: raise BadWaitTime('hold_time must be 0 or greater') self._hold_time = float(value) @property def hold_repeat(self): """ If ``True``, :attr:`when_held` will be executed repeatedly with :attr:`hold_time` seconds between each invocation. """ return self._hold_repeat @hold_repeat.setter def hold_repeat(self, value): self._hold_repeat = bool(value) @property def is_held(self): """ When ``True``, the device has been active for at least :attr:`hold_time` seconds. """ return self._held_from is not None @property def held_time(self): """ The length of time (in seconds) that the device has been held for. This is counted from the first execution of the :attr:`when_held` event rather than when the device activated, in contrast to :attr:`~EventsMixin.active_time`. If the device is not currently held, this is ``None``. """ if self._held_from is not None: return time() - self._held_from else: return None
class HoldThread(GPIOThread): """ Extends :class:`GPIOThread`. Provides a background thread that repeatedly fires the :attr:`HoldMixin.when_held` event as long as the owning device is active. """ def __init__(self, parent): super(HoldThread, self).__init__(target=self.held, args=(parent,)) self.holding = Event() self.start() def held(self, parent): while not self.stopping.wait(0): if self.holding.wait(0.1): self.holding.clear() while not ( self.stopping.wait(0) or parent._inactive_event.wait(parent.hold_time) ): if parent._held_from is None: parent._held_from = time() parent._fire_held() if not parent.hold_repeat: break class GPIOQueue(GPIOThread): """ Extends :class:`GPIOThread`. Provides a background thread that monitors a device's values and provides a running *average* (defaults to median) of those values. If the *parent* device includes the :class:`EventsMixin` in its ancestry, the thread automatically calls :meth:`~EventsMixin._fire_events`. """ def __init__( self, parent, queue_len=5, sample_wait=0.0, partial=False, average=median): assert callable(average) super(GPIOQueue, self).__init__(target=self.fill) if queue_len < 1: raise BadQueueLen('queue_len must be at least one') if sample_wait < 0: raise BadWaitTime('sample_wait must be 0 or greater') self.queue = deque(maxlen=queue_len) self.partial = bool(partial) self.sample_wait = float(sample_wait) self.full = Event() self.parent = weakref.proxy(parent) self.average = average @property def value(self): if not self.partial: self.full.wait() try: return self.average(self.queue) except ZeroDivisionError: # No data == inactive value return 0.0 def fill(self): try: while (not self.stopping.wait(self.sample_wait) and len(self.queue) < self.queue.maxlen): self.queue.append(self.parent._read()) if self.partial and isinstance(self.parent, EventsMixin): self.parent._fire_events() self.full.set() while not self.stopping.wait(self.sample_wait): self.queue.append(self.parent._read()) if isinstance(self.parent, EventsMixin): self.parent._fire_events() except ReferenceError: # Parent is dead; time to die! pass