Source code for gpiozero.spi_devices

from __future__ import (
str = type('')

from .exc import DeviceClosed, InputDeviceError
from .devices import Device
from .spi import SPI

[docs]class SPIDevice(Device): """ Extends :class:`Device`. Represents a device that communicates via the SPI protocol. See :ref:`spi_args` for information on the keyword arguments that can be specified with the constructor. """ def __init__(self, **spi_args): self._spi = SPI(**spi_args)
[docs] def close(self): if self._spi: s = self._spi self._spi = None s.close() super(SPIDevice, self).close()
@property def closed(self): return self._spi is None def __repr__(self): try: self._check_open() return "<gpiozero.%s object using %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._spi) except DeviceClosed: return "<gpiozero.%s object closed>" % self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class AnalogInputDevice(SPIDevice): """ Represents an analog input device connected to SPI (serial interface). Typical analog input devices are `analog to digital converters`_ (ADCs). Several classes are provided for specific ADC chips, including :class:`MCP3004`, :class:`MCP3008`, :class:`MCP3204`, and :class:`MCP3208`. The following code demonstrates reading the first channel of an MCP3008 chip attached to the Pi's SPI pins:: from gpiozero import MCP3008 pot = MCP3008(0) print(pot.value) The :attr:`value` attribute is normalized such that its value is always between 0.0 and 1.0 (or in special cases, such as differential sampling, -1 to +1). Hence, you can use an analog input to control the brightness of a :class:`PWMLED` like so:: from gpiozero import MCP3008, PWMLED pot = MCP3008(0) led = PWMLED(17) led.source = pot.values .. _analog to digital converters: """ def __init__(self, bits=None, **spi_args): if bits is None: raise InputDeviceError('you must specify the bit resolution of the device') self._bits = bits super(AnalogInputDevice, self).__init__(shared=True, **spi_args) @property def bits(self): """ The bit-resolution of the device/channel. """ return self._bits def _read(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def value(self): """ The current value read from the device, scaled to a value between 0 and 1 (or -1 to +1 for devices operating in differential mode). """ return self._read() / (2**self.bits - 1) @property def raw_value(self): """ The raw value as read from the device. """ return self._read()
class MCP3xxx(AnalogInputDevice): """ Extends :class:`AnalogInputDevice` to implement an interface for all ADC chips with a protocol similar to the Microchip MCP3xxx series of devices. """ def __init__(self, channel=0, bits=10, differential=False, **spi_args): self._channel = channel self._bits = bits self._differential = bool(differential) super(MCP3xxx, self).__init__(bits, **spi_args) @property def channel(self): """ The channel to read data from. The MCP3008/3208/3304 have 8 channels (0-7), while the MCP3004/3204/3302 have 4 channels (0-3), and the MCP3301 only has 1 channel. """ return self._channel @property def differential(self): """ If ``True``, the device is operated in pseudo-differential mode. In this mode one channel (specified by the channel attribute) is read relative to the value of a second channel (implied by the chip's design). Please refer to the device data-sheet to determine which channel is used as the relative base value (for example, when using an :class:`MCP3008` in differential mode, channel 0 is read relative to channel 1). """ return self._differential def _read(self): # MCP3008/04 or MCP3208/04 protocol looks like the following: # # Byte 0 1 2 # ==== ======== ======== ======== # Tx 0001MCCC xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx # Rx xxxxxxxx x0RRRRRR RRRRxxxx for the 3004/08 # Rx xxxxxxxx x0RRRRRR RRRRRRxx for the 3204/08 # # The transmit bits start with 3 preamble bits "000" (to warm up), a # start bit "1" followed by the single/differential bit (M) which is 1 # for single-ended read, and 0 for differential read, followed by # 3-bits for the channel (C). The remainder of the transmission are # "don't care" bits (x). # # The first byte received and the top 1 bit of the second byte are # don't care bits (x). These are followed by a null bit (0), and then # the result bits (R). 10 bits for the MCP300x, 12 bits for the # MCP320x. # # XXX Differential mode still requires testing data = self._spi.transfer([16 + [8, 0][self.differential] +, 0, 0]) return ((data[1] & 63) << (self.bits - 6)) | (data[2] >> (14 - self.bits)) class MCP33xx(MCP3xxx): """ Extends :class:`MCP3xxx` with functionality specific to the MCP33xx family of ADCs; specifically this handles the full differential capability of these chips supporting the full 13-bit signed range of output values. """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): super(MCP33xx, self).__init__(channel, 12, differential, **spi_args) def _read(self): # MCP3304/02 protocol looks like the following: # # Byte 0 1 2 # ==== ======== ======== ======== # Tx 0001MCCC xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx # Rx xxxxxxxx x0SRRRRR RRRRRRRx # # The transmit bits start with 3 preamble bits "000" (to warm up), a # start bit "1" followed by the single/differential bit (M) which is 1 # for single-ended read, and 0 for differential read, followed by # 3-bits for the channel (C). The remainder of the transmission are # "don't care" bits (x). # # The first byte received and the top 1 bit of the second byte are # don't care bits (x). These are followed by a null bit (0), then the # sign bit (S), and then the 12 result bits (R). # # In single read mode (the default) the sign bit is always zero and the # result is effectively 12-bits. In differential mode, the sign bit is # significant and the result is a two's-complement 13-bit value. # # The MCP3301 variant of the chip always operates in differential # mode and effectively only has one channel (composed of an IN+ and # IN-). As such it requires no input, just output. This is the reason # we split out _send() below; so that MCP3301 can override it. data = self._spi.transfer(self._send()) # Extract the last two bytes (again, for MCP3301) data = data[-2:] result = ((data[0] & 63) << 7) | (data[1] >> 1) # Account for the sign bit if self.differential and result > 4095: result = -(8192 - result) assert -4096 <= result < 4096 return result def _send(self): return [16 + [8, 0][self.differential] +, 0, 0]
[docs]class MCP3001(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3001`_ is a 10-bit analog to digital converter with 1 channel .. _MCP3001: """ def __init__(self, **spi_args): super(MCP3001, self).__init__(0, 10, differential=True, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3002(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3002`_ is a 10-bit analog to digital converter with 2 channels (0-1). .. _MCP3002: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 2: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be 0 or 1') super(MCP3002, self).__init__(channel, 10, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3004(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3004`_ is a 10-bit analog to digital converter with 4 channels (0-3). .. _MCP3004: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 4: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be between 0 and 3') super(MCP3004, self).__init__(channel, 10, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3008(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3008`_ is a 10-bit analog to digital converter with 8 channels (0-7). .. _MCP3008: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 8: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be between 0 and 7') super(MCP3008, self).__init__(channel, 10, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3201(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3201`_ is a 12-bit analog to digital converter with 1 channel .. _MCP3201: """ def __init__(self, **spi_args): super(MCP3201, self).__init__(0, 12, differential=True, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3202(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3202`_ is a 12-bit analog to digital converter with 2 channels (0-1). .. _MCP3202: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 2: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be 0 or 1') super(MCP3202, self).__init__(channel, 12, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3204(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3204`_ is a 12-bit analog to digital converter with 4 channels (0-3). .. _MCP3204: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 4: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be between 0 and 3') super(MCP3204, self).__init__(channel, 12, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3208(MCP3xxx): """ The `MCP3208`_ is a 12-bit analog to digital converter with 8 channels (0-7). .. _MCP3208: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 8: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be between 0 and 7') super(MCP3208, self).__init__(channel, 12, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3301(MCP33xx): """ The `MCP3301`_ is a signed 13-bit analog to digital converter. Please note that the MCP3301 always operates in differential mode between its two channels and the output value is scaled from -1 to +1. .. _MCP3301: """ def __init__(self, **spi_args): super(MCP3301, self).__init__(0, differential=True, **spi_args) def _send(self): return [0, 0]
[docs]class MCP3302(MCP33xx): """ The `MCP3302`_ is a 12/13-bit analog to digital converter with 4 channels (0-3). When operated in differential mode, the device outputs a signed 13-bit value which is scaled from -1 to +1. When operated in single-ended mode (the default), the device outputs an unsigned 12-bit value scaled from 0 to 1. .. _MCP3302: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 4: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be between 0 and 4') super(MCP3302, self).__init__(channel, differential, **spi_args)
[docs]class MCP3304(MCP33xx): """ The `MCP3304`_ is a 12/13-bit analog to digital converter with 8 channels (0-7). When operated in differential mode, the device outputs a signed 13-bit value which is scaled from -1 to +1. When operated in single-ended mode (the default), the device outputs an unsigned 12-bit value scaled from 0 to 1. .. _MCP3304: """ def __init__(self, channel=0, differential=False, **spi_args): if not 0 <= channel < 8: raise InputDeviceError('channel must be between 0 and 7') super(MCP3304, self).__init__(channel, differential, **spi_args)