Source code for gpiozero.boards

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8:
# GPIO Zero: a library for controlling the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins
# Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Dave Jones <>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Ben Nuttall <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Ryan Walmsley <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Jack Wearden <>
# Copyright (c) 2019 tuftii <>
# Copyright (c) 2019 ForToffee <>
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Andrew Scheller <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 SteveAmor <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Rick Ansell <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Claire Pollard <>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Ian Harcombe <>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Andrew Scheller <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from __future__ import (
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:

from time import sleep
from itertools import repeat, cycle, chain, tee
from threading import Lock
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, namedtuple
    from import MutableMapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping

from .exc import (
from .input_devices import Button
from .output_devices import (
from .threads import GPIOThread
from .devices import Device, CompositeDevice
from .mixins import SharedMixin, SourceMixin, HoldMixin
from .fonts import load_font_7seg, load_font_14seg

def pairwise(it):
    a, b = tee(it)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)

[docs]class CompositeOutputDevice(SourceMixin, CompositeDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeDevice` with :meth:`on`, :meth:`off`, and :meth:`toggle` methods for controlling subordinate output devices. Also extends :attr:`value` to be writeable. :param Device \\*args: The un-named devices that belong to the composite device. The :attr:`~Device.value` attributes of these devices will be represented within the composite device's tuple :attr:`value` in the order specified here. :type _order: list or None :param _order: If specified, this is the order of named items specified by keyword arguments (to ensure that the :attr:`value` tuple is constructed with a specific order). All keyword arguments *must* be included in the collection. If omitted, an alphabetically sorted order will be selected for keyword arguments. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). :param Device \\*\\*kwargs: The named devices that belong to the composite device. These devices will be accessible as named attributes on the resulting device, and their :attr:`value` attributes will be accessible as named elements of the composite device's tuple :attr:`value`. """
[docs] def on(self): """ Turn all the output devices on. """ for device in self: if isinstance(device, (OutputDevice, CompositeOutputDevice)): device.on()
[docs] def off(self): """ Turn all the output devices off. """ for device in self: if isinstance(device, (OutputDevice, CompositeOutputDevice)):
[docs] def toggle(self): """ Toggle all the output devices. For each device, if it's on, turn it off; if it's off, turn it on. """ for device in self: if isinstance(device, (OutputDevice, CompositeOutputDevice)): device.toggle()
@property def value(self): """ A tuple containing a value for each subordinate device. This property can also be set to update the state of all subordinate output devices. """ return super(CompositeOutputDevice, self).value @value.setter def value(self, value): for device, v in zip(self, value): if isinstance(device, (OutputDevice, CompositeOutputDevice)): device.value = v
# Simply ignore values for non-output devices
[docs]class ButtonBoard(HoldMixin, CompositeDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeDevice` and represents a generic button board or collection of buttons. The :attr:`value` of the button board is a tuple of all the buttons states. This can be used to control all the LEDs in a :class:`LEDBoard` with a :class:`ButtonBoard`:: from gpiozero import LEDBoard, ButtonBoard from signal import pause leds = LEDBoard(2, 3, 4, 5) btns = ButtonBoard(6, 7, 8, 9) leds.source = btns pause() Alternatively you could represent the number of pressed buttons with an :class:`LEDBarGraph`:: from gpiozero import LEDBarGraph, ButtonBoard from statistics import mean from signal import pause graph = LEDBarGraph(2, 3, 4, 5) bb = ButtonBoard(6, 7, 8, 9) graph.source = (mean(values) for values in bb.values) pause() :type pins: int or str :param \\*pins: Specify the GPIO pins that the buttons of the board are attached to. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. You can designate as many pins as necessary. :type pull_up: bool or None :param pull_up: If :data:`True` (the default), the GPIO pins will be pulled high by default. In this case, connect the other side of the buttons to ground. If :data:`False`, the GPIO pins will be pulled low by default. In this case, connect the other side of the buttons to 3V3. If :data:`None`, the pin will be floating, so it must be externally pulled up or down and the ``active_state`` parameter must be set accordingly. :type active_state: bool or None :param active_state: See description under :class:`InputDevice` for more information. :param float bounce_time: If :data:`None` (the default), no software bounce compensation will be performed. Otherwise, this is the length of time (in seconds) that the buttons will ignore changes in state after an initial change. :param float hold_time: The length of time (in seconds) to wait after any button is pushed, until executing the :attr:`when_held` handler. Defaults to ``1``. :param bool hold_repeat: If :data:`True`, the :attr:`when_held` handler will be repeatedly executed as long as any buttons remain held, every *hold_time* seconds. If :data:`False` (the default) the :attr:`when_held` handler will be only be executed once per hold. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). :type named_pins: int or str :param \\*\\*named_pins: Specify GPIO pins that buttons of the board are attached to, associating each button with a property name. You can designate as many pins as necessary and use any names, provided they're not already in use by something else. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pull_up = kwargs.pop('pull_up', True) active_state = kwargs.pop('active_state', None) bounce_time = kwargs.pop('bounce_time', None) hold_time = kwargs.pop('hold_time', 1) hold_repeat = kwargs.pop('hold_repeat', False) pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) order = kwargs.pop('_order', None) super(ButtonBoard, self).__init__( *( Button(pin, pull_up=pull_up, active_state=active_state, bounce_time=bounce_time, hold_time=hold_time, hold_repeat=hold_repeat) for pin in args ), _order=order, pin_factory=pin_factory, **{ name: Button(pin, pull_up=pull_up, active_state=active_state, bounce_time=bounce_time, hold_time=hold_time, hold_repeat=hold_repeat) for name, pin in kwargs.items() } ) if len(self) == 0: raise GPIOPinMissing('No pins given') def get_new_handler(device): def fire_both_events(ticks, state): device._fire_events(ticks, device._state_to_value(state)) self._fire_events(ticks, self.is_active) return fire_both_events # _handlers only exists to ensure that we keep a reference to the # generated fire_both_events handler for each Button (remember that # pin.when_changed only keeps a weak reference to handlers) self._handlers = tuple(get_new_handler(device) for device in self) for button, handler in zip(self, self._handlers): = handler self._when_changed = None self._last_value = None # Call _fire_events once to set initial state of events self._fire_events(self.pin_factory.ticks(), self.is_active) self.hold_time = hold_time self.hold_repeat = hold_repeat @property def pull_up(self): """ If :data:`True`, the device uses a pull-up resistor to set the GPIO pin "high" by default. """ return self[0].pull_up @property def when_changed(self): return self._when_changed @when_changed.setter def when_changed(self, value): self._when_changed = self._wrap_callback(value) def _fire_changed(self): if self.when_changed: self.when_changed() def _fire_events(self, ticks, new_value): super(ButtonBoard, self)._fire_events(ticks, new_value) old_value, self._last_value = self._last_value, new_value if old_value is None: # Initial "indeterminate" value; don't do anything pass elif old_value != new_value: self._fire_changed()
ButtonBoard.is_pressed = ButtonBoard.is_active ButtonBoard.pressed_time = ButtonBoard.active_time ButtonBoard.when_pressed = ButtonBoard.when_activated ButtonBoard.when_released = ButtonBoard.when_deactivated ButtonBoard.wait_for_press = ButtonBoard.wait_for_active ButtonBoard.wait_for_release = ButtonBoard.wait_for_inactive
[docs]class LEDCollection(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice`. Abstract base class for :class:`LEDBoard` and :class:`LEDBarGraph`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pwm = kwargs.pop('pwm', False) active_high = kwargs.pop('active_high', True) initial_value = kwargs.pop('initial_value', False) pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) order = kwargs.pop('_order', None) LEDClass = PWMLED if pwm else LED super(LEDCollection, self).__init__( *( pin_or_collection if isinstance(pin_or_collection, LEDCollection) else LEDClass( pin_or_collection, active_high, initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory ) for pin_or_collection in args ), _order=order, pin_factory=pin_factory, **{ name: pin_or_collection if isinstance(pin_or_collection, LEDCollection) else LEDClass( pin_or_collection, active_high, initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory ) for name, pin_or_collection in kwargs.items() } ) if len(self) == 0: raise GPIOPinMissing('No pins given') leds = [] for item in self: if isinstance(item, LEDCollection): for subitem in item.leds: leds.append(subitem) else: leds.append(item) self._leds = tuple(leds) @property def leds(self): """ A flat tuple of all LEDs contained in this collection (and all sub-collections). """ return self._leds @property def active_high(self): return self[0].active_high
LEDCollection.is_lit = LEDCollection.is_active
[docs]class LEDBoard(LEDCollection): """ Extends :class:`LEDCollection` and represents a generic LED board or collection of LEDs. The following example turns on all the LEDs on a board containing 5 LEDs attached to GPIO pins 2 through 6:: from gpiozero import LEDBoard leds = LEDBoard(2, 3, 4, 5, 6) leds.on() :type pins: int or str or LEDCollection :param \\*pins: Specify the GPIO pins that the LEDs of the board are attached to. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. You can designate as many pins as necessary. You can also specify :class:`LEDBoard` instances to create trees of LEDs. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each pin. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :param bool active_high: If :data:`True` (the default), the :meth:`on` method will set all the associated pins to HIGH. If :data:`False`, the :meth:`on` method will set all pins to LOW (the :meth:`off` method always does the opposite). :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). :type named_pins: int or str :param \\*\\*named_pins: Specify GPIO pins that LEDs of the board are attached to, associating each LED with a property name. You can designate as many pins as necessary and use any names, provided they're not already in use by something else. You can also specify :class:`LEDBoard` instances to create trees of LEDs. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._blink_thread = None self._blink_leds = [] self._blink_lock = Lock() super(LEDBoard, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): try: self._stop_blink() except AttributeError: pass super(LEDBoard, self).close()
[docs] def on(self, *args): """ If no arguments are specified, turn all the LEDs on. If arguments are specified, they must be the indexes of the LEDs you wish to turn on. For example:: from gpiozero import LEDBoard leds = LEDBoard(2, 3, 4, 5) leds.on(0) # turn on the first LED (pin 2) leds.on(-1) # turn on the last LED (pin 5) leds.on(1, 2) # turn on the middle LEDs (pins 3 and 4) # turn off all LEDs leds.on() # turn on all LEDs If :meth:`blink` is currently active, it will be stopped first. :param int args: The index(es) of the LED(s) to turn on. If no indexes are specified turn on all LEDs. """ self._stop_blink() if args: for index in args: self[index].on() else: super(LEDBoard, self).on()
[docs] def off(self, *args): """ If no arguments are specified, turn all the LEDs off. If arguments are specified, they must be the indexes of the LEDs you wish to turn off. For example:: from gpiozero import LEDBoard leds = LEDBoard(2, 3, 4, 5) leds.on() # turn on all LEDs # turn off the first LED (pin 2) # turn off the last LED (pin 5), 2) # turn off the middle LEDs (pins 3 and 4) leds.on() # turn on all LEDs If :meth:`blink` is currently active, it will be stopped first. :param int args: The index(es) of the LED(s) to turn off. If no indexes are specified turn off all LEDs. """ self._stop_blink() if args: for index in args: self[index].off() else: super(LEDBoard, self).off()
[docs] def toggle(self, *args): """ If no arguments are specified, toggle the state of all LEDs. If arguments are specified, they must be the indexes of the LEDs you wish to toggle. For example:: from gpiozero import LEDBoard leds = LEDBoard(2, 3, 4, 5) leds.toggle(0) # turn on the first LED (pin 2) leds.toggle(-1) # turn on the last LED (pin 5) leds.toggle() # turn the first and last LED off, and the # middle pair on If :meth:`blink` is currently active, it will be stopped first. :param int args: The index(es) of the LED(s) to toggle. If no indexes are specified toggle the state of all LEDs. """ self._stop_blink() if args: for index in args: self[index].toggle() else: super(LEDBoard, self).toggle()
def _stop_blink(self, led=None): if led is None: if self._blink_thread: self._blink_thread.stop() self._blink_thread = None else: with self._blink_lock: self._blink_leds.remove(led)
[docs] def pulse(self, fade_in_time=1, fade_out_time=1, n=None, background=True): """ Make all LEDs fade in and out repeatedly. Note that this method will only work if the *pwm* parameter was :data:`True` at construction time. :param float fade_in_time: Number of seconds to spend fading in. Defaults to 1. :param float fade_out_time: Number of seconds to spend fading out. Defaults to 1. :type n: int or None :param n: Number of times to blink; :data:`None` (the default) means forever. :param bool background: If :data:`True` (the default), start a background thread to continue blinking and return immediately. If :data:`False`, only return when the blink is finished (warning: the default value of *n* will result in this method never returning). """ on_time = off_time = 0 self.blink( on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, n, background)
def _blink_device( self, on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, n, fps=25): sequence = [] if fade_in_time > 0: sequence += [ (i * (1 / fps) / fade_in_time, 1 / fps) for i in range(int(fps * fade_in_time)) ] sequence.append((1, on_time)) if fade_out_time > 0: sequence += [ (1 - (i * (1 / fps) / fade_out_time), 1 / fps) for i in range(int(fps * fade_out_time)) ] sequence.append((0, off_time)) if n is None: sequence = cycle(sequence) else: sequence = chain.from_iterable(repeat(sequence, n)) with self._blink_lock: self._blink_leds = list(self.leds) for led in self._blink_leds: if led._controller not in (None, self): led._controller._stop_blink(led) led._controller = self for value, delay in sequence: with self._blink_lock: if not self._blink_leds: break for led in self._blink_leds: led._write(value) if self._blink_thread.stopping.wait(delay): break
[docs]class LEDBarGraph(LEDCollection): """ Extends :class:`LEDCollection` to control a line of LEDs representing a bar graph. Positive values (0 to 1) light the LEDs from first to last. Negative values (-1 to 0) light the LEDs from last to first. The following example demonstrates turning on the first two and last two LEDs in a board containing five LEDs attached to GPIOs 2 through 6:: from gpiozero import LEDBarGraph from time import sleep graph = LEDBarGraph(2, 3, 4, 5, 6) graph.value = 2/5 # Light the first two LEDs only sleep(1) graph.value = -2/5 # Light the last two LEDs only sleep(1) As with all other output devices, :attr:`source` and :attr:`values` are supported:: from gpiozero import LEDBarGraph, MCP3008 from signal import pause graph = LEDBarGraph(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pwm=True) pot = MCP3008(channel=0) graph.source = pot pause() :type pins: int or str :param \\*pins: Specify the GPIO pins that the LEDs of the bar graph are attached to. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. You can designate as many pins as necessary. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each pin. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter. :param bool active_high: If :data:`True` (the default), the :meth:`on` method will set all the associated pins to HIGH. If :data:`False`, the :meth:`on` method will set all pins to LOW (the :meth:`off` method always does the opposite). This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter. :param float initial_value: The initial :attr:`value` of the graph given as a float between -1 and +1. Defaults to 0.0. This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). """ def __init__(self, *pins, **kwargs): # Don't allow graphs to contain collections for pin in pins: if isinstance(pin, Device): raise CompositeDeviceBadDevice( 'Only pins may be specified for LEDBarGraph') pwm = kwargs.pop('pwm', False) active_high = kwargs.pop('active_high', True) initial_value = kwargs.pop('initial_value', 0.0) pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError( 'unexpected keyword argument: %s' % kwargs.popitem()[0]) super(LEDBarGraph, self).__init__( *pins, pwm=pwm, active_high=active_high, pin_factory=pin_factory) try: self.value = initial_value except: self.close() raise @property def value(self): """ The value of the LED bar graph. When no LEDs are lit, the value is 0. When all LEDs are lit, the value is 1. Values between 0 and 1 light LEDs linearly from first to last. Values between 0 and -1 light LEDs linearly from last to first. To light a particular number of LEDs, simply divide that number by the number of LEDs. For example, if your graph contains 3 LEDs, the following will light the first:: from gpiozero import LEDBarGraph graph = LEDBarGraph(12, 16, 19) graph.value = 1/3 .. note:: Setting value to -1 will light all LEDs. However, querying it subsequently will return 1 as both representations are the same in hardware. The readable range of :attr:`value` is effectively -1 < value <= 1. """ result = sum(led.value for led in self) if self[0].value < self[-1].value: result = -result return result / len(self) @value.setter def value(self, value): if not -1 <= value <= 1: raise OutputDeviceBadValue( 'LEDBarGraph value must be between -1 and 1') count = len(self) leds = self if value < 0: leds = reversed(leds) value = -value if isinstance(self[0], PWMLED): calc_value = lambda index: min(1, max(0, count * value - index)) else: calc_value = lambda index: value >= ((index + 1) / count) for index, led in enumerate(leds): led.value = calc_value(index) @property def lit_count(self): """ The number of LEDs on the bar graph actually lit up. Note that just like :attr:`value`, this can be negative if the LEDs are lit from last to first. """ lit_value = self.value * len(self) if not isinstance(self[0], PWMLED): lit_value = int(lit_value) return lit_value @lit_count.setter def lit_count(self, value): self.value = value / len(self)
[docs]class LEDCharFont(MutableMapping): """ Contains a mapping of values to tuples of LED states. This effectively acts as a "font" for :class:`LEDCharDisplay`, and two default fonts (for 7-segment and 14-segment displays) are shipped with GPIO Zero by default. You can construct your own font instance from a :class:`dict` which maps values (usually single-character strings) to a tuple of LED states:: from gpiozero import LEDCharDisplay, LEDCharFont my_font = LEDCharFont({ ' ': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 'D': (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0), 'A': (1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1), 'd': (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), 'a': (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), }) display = LEDCharDisplay(26, 13, 12, 22, 17, 19, 6, dp=5, font=my_font) display.value = 'D' Font instances are mutable and can be changed while actively in use by an instance of :class:`LEDCharDisplay`. However, changing the font will *not* change the state of the LEDs in the display (though it may change the :attr:`~LEDCharDisplay.value` of the display when next queried). .. note:: Your custom mapping should always include a value (typically space) which represents all the LEDs off. This will usually be the default value for an instance of :class:`LEDCharDisplay`. You may also wish to load fonts from a friendly text-based format. A simple parser for such formats (supporting an arbitrary number of segments) is provided by :func:`gpiozero.fonts.load_segment_font`. """ def __init__(self, font): super(LEDCharFont, self).__init__() self._map = OrderedDict([ (char, tuple(int(bool(pin)) for pin in pins)) for char, pins in font.items() ]) self._refresh_rmap() def __repr__(self): return '{self.__class__.__name__}({{\n{content}\n}})'.format( self=self, content='\n'.join( ' {key!r}: {value!r},'.format(key=key, value=value) for key, value in sorted(self.items()) )) def _refresh_rmap(self): # The reverse mapping is pre-calculated for speed of lookup. Given that # the font mapping can be 1:n, we cannot guarantee the reverse is # unique. In case the provided font is an ordered dictionary, we # explicitly take only the first definition of each non-unique pin # definition so that value lookups are predictable rmap = {} for char, pins in self._map.items(): rmap.setdefault(pins, char) self._rmap = rmap def __len__(self): return len(self._map) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._map) def __getitem__(self, char): return self._map[char] def __setitem__(self, char, pins): try: # This is necessary to ensure that _rmap is correct in the case # that we're overwriting an existing char->pins mapping del self[char] except KeyError: pass pins = tuple(int(bool(pin)) for pin in pins) self._map[char] = pins self._rmap.setdefault(pins, char) def __delitem__(self, char): pins = self._map[char] del self._map[char] # If the reverse mapping of the char's pins maps to the char we need # to find if it now maps to another char (given the n:1 mapping) if self._rmap[pins] == char: del self._rmap[pins] for char, char_pins in self._map.items(): if pins == char_pins: self._rmap[pins] = char break
[docs]class LEDCharDisplay(LEDCollection): """ Extends :class:`LEDCollection` for a multi-segment LED display. `Multi-segment LED displays`_ typically have 7 pins (labelled "a" through "g") representing 7 LEDs layed out in a figure-of-8 fashion. Frequently, an eigth pin labelled "dp" is included for a trailing decimal-point: .. code-block:: text a ━━━━━ f ┃ ┃ b ┃ g ┃ ━━━━━ e ┃ ┃ c ┃ ┃ ━━━━━ • dp d Other common layouts are 9, 14, and 16 segment displays which include additional segments permitting more accurate renditions of alphanumerics. For example: .. code-block:: text a ━━━━━ f ┃╲i┃j╱┃ b ┃ ╲┃╱k┃ g━━ ━━h e ┃ ╱┃╲n┃ c ┃╱l┃m╲┃ ━━━━━ • dp d Such displays have either a common anode, or common cathode pin. This class defaults to the latter; when using a common anode display *active_high* should be set to :data:`False`. Instances of this class can be used to display characters or control individual LEDs on the display. For example:: from gpiozero import LEDCharDisplay char = LEDCharDisplay(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, active_high=False) char.value = 'C' If the class is constructed with 7 or 14 segments, a default :attr:`font` will be loaded, mapping some ASCII characters to typical layouts. In other cases, the default mapping will simply assign " " (space) to all LEDs off. You can assign your own mapping at construction time or after instantiation. While the example above shows the display with a :class:`str` value, theoretically the *font* can map any value that can be the key in a :class:`dict`, so the value of the display can be likewise be any valid key value (e.g. you could map integer digits to LED patterns). That said, there is one exception to this: when *dp* is specified to enable the decimal-point, the :attr:`value` must be a :class:`str` as the presence or absence of a "." suffix indicates whether the *dp* LED is lit. :type pins: int or str :param \\*pins: Specify the GPIO pins that the multi-segment display is attached to. Pins should be in the LED segment order A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and will be named automatically by the class. If a decimal-point pin is present, specify it separately as the *dp* parameter. :type dp: int or str :param dp: If a decimal-point segment is present, specify it as this named parameter. :type font: dict or None :param font: A mapping of values (typically characters, but may also be numbers) to tuples of LED states. A default mapping for ASCII characters is provided for 7 and 14 segment displays. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each pin. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :param bool active_high: If :data:`True` (the default), the :meth:`on` method will set all the associated pins to HIGH. If :data:`False`, the :meth:`on` method will set all pins to LOW (the :meth:`off` method always does the opposite). :param initial_value: The initial value to display. Defaults to space (" ") which typically maps to all LEDs being inactive. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Multi-segment LED displays: """ def __init__(self, *pins, **kwargs): dp = kwargs.pop('dp', None) font = kwargs.pop('font', None) pwm = kwargs.pop('pwm', False) active_high = kwargs.pop('active_high', True) initial_value = kwargs.pop('initial_value', " ") pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError( 'unexpected keyword argument: %s' % kwargs.popiem()[0]) if not 1 < len(pins) <= 26: raise PinInvalidPin( 'Must have between 2 and 26 LEDs in LEDCharDisplay') for pin in pins: if isinstance(pin, LEDCollection): raise PinInvalidPin( 'Cannot use LEDCollection in LEDCharDisplay') if font is None: if len(pins) in (7, 14): # Only import pkg_resources here as merely importing it is # slooooow! from pkg_resources import resource_stream font = { 7: lambda: load_font_7seg( resource_stream(__name__, 'fonts/7seg.txt')), 14: lambda: load_font_14seg( resource_stream(__name__, 'fonts/14seg.txt')), }[len(pins)]() else: # Construct a default dict containing a definition for " " font = {" ": (0,) * len(pins)} self._font = LEDCharFont(font) pins = {chr(ord('a') + i): pin for i, pin in enumerate(pins)} order = sorted(pins.keys()) if dp is not None: pins['dp'] = dp order.append('dp') super(LEDCharDisplay, self).__init__( pwm=pwm, active_high=active_high, initial_value=None, _order=order, pin_factory=pin_factory, **pins) if initial_value is not None: self.value = initial_value @property def font(self): """ An :class:`LEDCharFont` mapping characters to tuples of LED states. The font is mutable after construction. You can assign a tuple of LED states to a character to modify the font, delete an existing character in the font, or assign a mapping of characters to tuples to replace the entire font. Note that modifying the :attr:`font` never alters the underlying LED states. Only assignment to :attr:`value`, or calling the inherited :class:`LEDCollection` methods (:meth:`on`, :meth:`off`, etc.) modifies LED states. However, modifying the font may alter the character returned by querying :attr:`value`. """ return self._font @font.setter def font(self, value): self._font = LEDCharFont(value) @property def value(self): """ The character the display should show. This is mapped by the current :attr:`font` to a tuple of LED states which is applied to the underlying LED objects when this attribute is set. When queried, the current LED states are looked up in the font to determine the character shown. If the current LED states do not correspond to any character in the :attr:`font`, the value is :data:`None`. It is possible for multiple characters in the font to map to the same LED states (e.g. S and 5). In this case, if the font was constructed from an ordered mapping (which is the default), then the first matching mapping will always be returned. This also implies that the value queried need not match the value set. """ state = super(LEDCharDisplay, self).value if hasattr(self, 'dp'): state, dp = state[:-1], state[-1] else: dp = False try: result = self._font._rmap[state] except KeyError: # Raising exceptions on lookup is problematic; in case the LED # state is not representable we simply return None (although # technically that is a valid item we can map :) return None else: if dp: return result + '.' else: return result @value.setter def value(self, value): for led, v in zip(self, self._parse_state(value)): led.value = v def _parse_state(self, value): if hasattr(self, 'dp'): if len(value) > 1 and value.endswith('.'): value = value[:-1] dp = 1 else: dp = 0 return self._font[value] + (dp,) else: return self._font[value]
[docs]class LEDMultiCharDisplay(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Wraps :class:`LEDCharDisplay` for multi-character `multiplexed`_ LED character displays. The class is constructed with a *char* which is an instance of the :class:`LEDCharDisplay` class, capable of controlling the LEDs in one character of the display, and an additional set of *pins* that represent the common cathode (or anode) of each character. .. warning:: You should not attempt to connect the common cathode (or anode) off each character directly to a GPIO. Rather, use a set of transistors (or some other suitable component capable of handling the current of all the segment LEDs simultaneously) to connect the common cathode to ground (or the common anode to the supply) and control those transistors from the GPIOs specified under *pins*. The *active_high* parameter defaults to :data:`True`. Note that it only applies to the specified *pins*, which are assumed to be controlling a set of transistors (hence the default). The specified *char* will use its own *active_high* parameter. Finally, *initial_value* defaults to a tuple of :attr:`~LEDCharDisplay.value` attribute of the specified display multiplied by the number of *pins* provided. When the :attr:`value` is set such that one or more characters in the display differ in value, a background thread is implicitly started to rotate the active character, relying on `persistence of vision`_ to display the complete value. .. _multiplexed: .. _persistence of vision: """ def __init__(self, char, *pins, **kwargs): active_high = kwargs.pop('active_high', True) initial_value = kwargs.pop('initial_value', None) pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError( 'unexpected keyword argument: %s' % kwargs.popiem()[0]) if not isinstance(char, LEDCharDisplay): raise ValueError('char must be an LEDCharDisplay') if initial_value is None: initial_value = (char.value,) * len(pins) if pin_factory is None: pin_factory = char.pin_factory self._plex_thread = None self._plex_delay = 0.005 plex = CompositeOutputDevice(*( OutputDevice( pin, active_high=active_high, initial_value=None, pin_factory=pin_factory) for pin in pins )) super(LEDMultiCharDisplay, self).__init__( plex=plex, char=char, pin_factory=pin_factory) self.value = initial_value def close(self): try: self._stop_plex() except AttributeError: pass super(LEDMultiCharDisplay, self).close() def _stop_plex(self): if self._plex_thread: self._plex_thread.stop() self._plex_thread = None @property def plex_delay(self): """ The delay (measured in seconds) in the loop used to switch each character in the multiplexed display on. Defaults to 0.005 seconds which is generally sufficient to provide a "stable" (non-flickery) display. """ return self._plex_delay @plex_delay.setter def plex_delay(self, value): if value < 0: raise BadWaitTime('plex_delay must be 0 or greater') self._plex_delay = float(value) @property def value(self): """ The sequence of values to display. This can be any sequence containing keys from the :attr:`~LEDCharDisplay.font` of the associated character display. For example, if the value consists only of single-character strings, it's valid to assign a string to this property (as a string is simply a sequence of individual character keys):: from gpiozero import LEDCharDisplay, LEDMultiCharDisplay c = LEDCharDisplay(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) d = LEDMultiCharDisplay(c, 19, 20, 21, 22) d.value = 'LEDS' However, things get more complicated if a decimal point is in use as then this class needs to know explicitly where to break the value for use on each character of the display. This can be handled by simply assigning a sequence of strings thus:: from gpiozero import LEDCharDisplay, LEDMultiCharDisplay c = LEDCharDisplay(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) d = LEDMultiCharDisplay(c, 19, 20, 21, 22) d.value = ('L.', 'E', 'D', 'S') This is how the value will always be represented when queried (as a tuple of individual values) as it neatly handles dealing with heterogeneous types and the aforementioned decimal point issue. .. note:: The value also controls whether a background thread is in use to multiplex the display. When all positions in the value are equal the background thread is disabled and all characters are simultaneously enabled. """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): if len(value) > len(self.plex): raise ValueError( 'length of value must not exceed the number of characters in ' 'the display') elif len(value) < len(self.plex): # Right-align the short value on the display value = (' ',) * (len(self.plex) - len(value)) + tuple(value) else: value = tuple(value) # Get the list of tuples of states that the character LEDs will pass # through. Prune any entirely blank state (which we can skip by never # activating the plex for them) but remember which plex index each # (non-blank) state is associated with states = {} for index, char in enumerate(value): state = self.char._parse_state(char) if any(state): states.setdefault(state, set()).add(index) # Calculate the transitions between states for an ordering of chars # based on activated LEDs. This a vague attempt at minimizing the # number of LEDs that need flipping between chars; to do this # "properly" is O(n!) which gets silly quickly so ... fudge it order = sorted(states) if len(order) > 1: transitions = [ [(self.plex[index], 0) for index in states[old]] + [ (led, new_value) for led, old_value, new_value in zip(self.char, old, new) if old_value ^ new_value ] + [(self.plex[index], 1) for index in states[new]] for old, new in pairwise(order + [order[0]]) ] else: transitions = [] # Stop any current display thread and disable the display self._stop_plex() # If there's any characters to display, set the character LEDs to the # state of the first character in the display order. If there's # transitions to display, activate the plex thread; otherwise, just # switch on each plex with a char to display if order: for led, state in zip(self.char, order[0]): led.value = state if transitions: self._plex_thread = GPIOThread(self._show_chars, (transitions,)) self._plex_thread.start() else: for index in states[order[0]]: self.plex[index].on() self._value = value def _show_chars(self, transitions): for transition in cycle(transitions): for device, value in transition: device.value = value if self._plex_thread.stopping.wait(self._plex_delay): break
[docs]class PiHutXmasTree(LEDBoard): """ Extends :class:`LEDBoard` for `The Pi Hut's Xmas board`_: a 3D Christmas tree board with 24 red LEDs and a white LED as a star on top. The 24 red LEDs can be accessed through the attributes led0, led1, led2, and so on. The white star LED is accessed through the :attr:`star` attribute. Alternatively, as with all descendents of :class:`LEDBoard`, you can treat the instance as a sequence of LEDs (the first element is the :attr:`star`). The Xmas Tree board pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example turns all the LEDs on one at a time:: from gpiozero import PiHutXmasTree from time import sleep tree = PiHutXmasTree() for light in tree: light.on() sleep(1) The following example turns the star LED on and sets all the red LEDs to flicker randomly:: from gpiozero import PiHutXmasTree from import random_values from signal import pause tree = PiHutXmasTree(pwm=True) for led in tree[1:]: led.source_delay = 0.1 led.source = random_values() pause() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each pin. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _The Pi Hut's Xmas board: .. attribute:: star Returns the :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` representing the white star on top of the tree. .. attribute:: led0, led1, led2, ... Returns the :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` representing one of the red LEDs. There are actually 24 of these properties named led0, led1, and so on but for the sake of brevity we represent all 24 under this section. """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): pins_dict = OrderedDict(star=2) pins = (4, 15, 13, 21, 25, 8, 5, 10, 16, 17, 27, 26, 24, 9, 12, 6, 20, 19, 14, 18, 11, 7, 23, 22) for i, pin in enumerate(pins): pins_dict['led%d' % (i+1)] = pin super(PiHutXmasTree, self).__init__( pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=pins_dict.keys(), pin_factory=pin_factory, **pins_dict )
[docs]class LedBorg(RGBLED): """ Extends :class:`RGBLED` for the `PiBorg LedBorg`_: an add-on board containing a very bright RGB LED. The LedBorg pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example turns the LedBorg purple:: from gpiozero import LedBorg led = LedBorg() led.color = (1, 0, 1) :type initial_value: ~colorzero.Color or tuple :param initial_value: The initial color for the LedBorg. Defaults to black ``(0, 0, 0)``. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True` (the default), construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each component of the LedBorg. If :data:`False`, construct regular :class:`LED` instances, which prevents smooth color graduations. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _PiBorg LedBorg: """ def __init__(self, initial_value=(0, 0, 0), pwm=True, pin_factory=None): super(LedBorg, self).__init__( red='BOARD11', green='BOARD13', blue='BOARD15', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class PiLiter(LEDBoard): """ Extends :class:`LEDBoard` for the `Ciseco Pi-LITEr`_: a strip of 8 very bright LEDs. The Pi-LITEr pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example turns on all the LEDs of the Pi-LITEr:: from gpiozero import PiLiter lite = PiLiter() lite.on() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each pin. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each LED will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the each LED will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Ciseco Pi-LITEr: """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): pins = ('BOARD7', 'BOARD11', 'BOARD13', 'BOARD12', 'BOARD15', 'BOARD16', 'BOARD18', 'BOARD22') super(PiLiter, self).__init__( *pins, pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class PiLiterBarGraph(LEDBarGraph): """ Extends :class:`LEDBarGraph` to treat the `Ciseco Pi-LITEr`_ as an 8-segment bar graph. The Pi-LITEr pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example sets the graph value to 0.5:: from gpiozero import PiLiterBarGraph graph = PiLiterBarGraph() graph.value = 0.5 :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances for each pin. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :param float initial_value: The initial :attr:`value` of the graph given as a float between -1 and +1. Defaults to ``0.0``. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Ciseco Pi-LITEr: """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=0.0, pin_factory=None): pins = ('BOARD7', 'BOARD11', 'BOARD13', 'BOARD12', 'BOARD15', 'BOARD16', 'BOARD18', 'BOARD22') super(PiLiterBarGraph, self).__init__( *pins, pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class TrafficLights(LEDBoard): """ Extends :class:`LEDBoard` for devices containing red, yellow, and green LEDs. The following example initializes a device connected to GPIO pins 2, 3, and 4, then lights the amber (yellow) LED attached to GPIO 3:: from gpiozero import TrafficLights traffic = TrafficLights(2, 3, 4) traffic.amber.on() :type red: int or str :param red: The GPIO pin that the red LED is attached to. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. :type amber: int or str or None :param amber: The GPIO pin that the amber LED is attached to. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. :type yellow: int or str or None :param yellow: The GPIO pin that the yellow LED is attached to. This is merely an alias for the ``amber`` parameter; you can't specify both ``amber`` and ``yellow``. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. :type green: int or str :param green: The GPIO pin that the green LED is attached to. See :ref:`pin-numbering` for valid pin numbers. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. attribute:: red The red :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED`. .. attribute:: amber The amber :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED`. Note that this attribute will not be present when the instance is constructed with the *yellow* keyword parameter. .. attribute:: yellow The yellow :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED`. Note that this attribute will only be present when the instance is constructed with the *yellow* keyword parameter. .. attribute:: green The green :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED`. """ def __init__(self, red=None, amber=None, green=None, pwm=False, initial_value=False, yellow=None, pin_factory=None): if amber is not None and yellow is not None: raise OutputDeviceBadValue( 'Only one of amber or yellow can be specified') devices = OrderedDict((('red', red), )) self._display_yellow = amber is None and yellow is not None if self._display_yellow: devices['yellow'] = yellow else: devices['amber'] = amber devices['green'] = green if not all(p is not None for p in devices.values()): raise GPIOPinMissing('%s pins must be provided' % ', '.join(devices.keys())) super(TrafficLights, self).__init__( pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=devices.keys(), pin_factory=pin_factory, **devices) def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'amber' and self._display_yellow: name = 'yellow' elif name == 'yellow' and not self._display_yellow: name = 'amber' return super(TrafficLights, self).__getattr__(name)
[docs]class PiTraffic(TrafficLights): """ Extends :class:`TrafficLights` for the `Low Voltage Labs PI-TRAFFIC`_ vertical traffic lights board when attached to GPIO pins 9, 10, and 11. There's no need to specify the pins if the PI-TRAFFIC is connected to the default pins (9, 10, 11). The following example turns on the amber LED on the PI-TRAFFIC:: from gpiozero import PiTraffic traffic = PiTraffic() traffic.amber.on() To use the PI-TRAFFIC board when attached to a non-standard set of pins, simply use the parent class, :class:`TrafficLights`. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param bool initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Low Voltage Labs PI-TRAFFIC: """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): super(PiTraffic, self).__init__( 'BOARD21', 'BOARD19', 'BOARD23', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class PiStop(TrafficLights): """ Extends :class:`TrafficLights` for the `PiHardware Pi-Stop`_: a vertical traffic lights board. The following example turns on the amber LED on a Pi-Stop connected to location ``A+``:: from gpiozero import PiStop traffic = PiStop('A+') traffic.amber.on() :param str location: The `location`_ on the GPIO header to which the Pi-Stop is connected. Must be one of: ``A``, ``A+``, ``B``, ``B+``, ``C``, ``D``. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param bool initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _PiHardware Pi-Stop: .. _location: """ LOCATIONS = { 'A': ('BOARD26', 'BOARD24', 'BOARD22'), 'A+': ('BOARD40', 'BOARD38', 'BOARD36'), 'B': ('BOARD19', 'BOARD21', 'BOARD23'), 'B+': ('BOARD33', 'BOARD35', 'BOARD37'), 'C': ('BOARD12', 'BOARD10', 'BOARD8'), 'D': ('BOARD3', 'BOARD5', 'BOARD7'), } def __init__( self, location=None, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): gpios = self.LOCATIONS.get(location, None) if gpios is None: raise ValueError('location must be one of: %s' % ', '.join(sorted(self.LOCATIONS.keys()))) super(PiStop, self).__init__( *gpios, pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory)
[docs]class StatusZero(LEDBoard): """ Extends :class:`LEDBoard` for The Pi Hut's `STATUS Zero`_: a Pi Zero sized add-on board with three sets of red/green LEDs to provide a status indicator. The following example designates the first strip the label "wifi" and the second "raining", and turns them green and red respectfully:: from gpiozero import StatusZero status = StatusZero('wifi', 'raining') Each designated label will contain two :class:`LED` objects named "red" and "green". :param str \\*labels: Specify the names of the labels you wish to designate the strips to. You can list up to three labels. If no labels are given, three strips will be initialised with names 'one', 'two', and 'three'. If some, but not all strips are given labels, any remaining strips will not be initialised. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _STATUS Zero: .. attribute:: your-label-here, your-label-here, ... This entry represents one of the three labelled attributes supported on the STATUS Zero board. It is an :class:`LEDBoard` which contains: .. attribute:: red The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` representing the red LED next to the label. .. attribute:: green The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` representing the green LED next to the label. """ default_labels = ('one', 'two', 'three') def __init__(self, *labels, **kwargs): pins = ( ('BOARD11', 'BOARD7'), ('BOARD15', 'BOARD13'), ('BOARD21', 'BOARD19'), ) pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) if len(labels) == 0: labels = self.default_labels elif len(labels) > len(pins): raise ValueError("StatusZero doesn't support more than three labels") dup, count = Counter(labels).most_common(1)[0] if count > 1: raise ValueError("Duplicate label %s" % dup) super(StatusZero, self).__init__( _order=labels, pin_factory=pin_factory, **{ label: LEDBoard( red=red, green=green, _order=('red', 'green'), pin_factory=pin_factory, **kwargs ) for (green, red), label in zip(pins, labels) } )
[docs]class StatusBoard(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` for The Pi Hut's `STATUS`_ board: a HAT sized add-on board with five sets of red/green LEDs and buttons to provide a status indicator with additional input. The following example designates the first strip the label "wifi" and the second "raining", turns the wifi green and then activates the button to toggle its lights when pressed:: from gpiozero import StatusBoard status = StatusBoard('wifi', 'raining') status.wifi.button.when_pressed = status.wifi.lights.toggle Each designated label will contain a "lights" :class:`LEDBoard` containing two :class:`LED` objects named "red" and "green", and a :class:`Button` object named "button". :param str \\*labels: Specify the names of the labels you wish to designate the strips to. You can list up to five labels. If no labels are given, five strips will be initialised with names 'one' to 'five'. If some, but not all strips are given labels, any remaining strips will not be initialised. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _STATUS: .. attribute:: your-label-here, your-label-here, ... This entry represents one of the five labelled attributes supported on the STATUS board. It is an :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` which contains: .. attribute:: lights A :class:`LEDBoard` representing the lights next to the label. It contains: .. attribute:: red The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` representing the red LED next to the label. .. attribute:: green The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` representing the green LED next to the label. .. attribute:: button A :class:`Button` representing the button next to the label. """ default_labels = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five') def __init__(self, *labels, **kwargs): pins = ( ('BOARD11', 'BOARD7', 'BOARD8'), ('BOARD15', 'BOARD13', 'BOARD35'), ('BOARD21', 'BOARD19', 'BOARD10'), ('BOARD29', 'BOARD23', 'BOARD37'), ('BOARD33', 'BOARD31', 'BOARD12'), ) pin_factory = kwargs.pop('pin_factory', None) if len(labels) == 0: labels = self.default_labels elif len(labels) > len(pins): raise ValueError("StatusBoard doesn't support more than five labels") dup, count = Counter(labels).most_common(1)[0] if count > 1: raise ValueError("Duplicate label %s" % dup) super(StatusBoard, self).__init__( _order=labels, pin_factory=pin_factory, **{ label: CompositeOutputDevice( button=Button(button, pin_factory=pin_factory), lights=LEDBoard( red=red, green=green, _order=('red', 'green'), pin_factory=pin_factory, **kwargs ), _order=('button', 'lights'), pin_factory=pin_factory ) for (green, red, button), label in zip(pins, labels) } )
[docs]class SnowPi(LEDBoard): """ Extends :class:`LEDBoard` for the `Ryanteck SnowPi`_ board. The SnowPi pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example turns on the eyes, sets the nose pulsing, and the arms blinking:: from gpiozero import SnowPi snowman = SnowPi(pwm=True) snowman.eyes.on() snowman.nose.pulse() snowman.arms.blink() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param bool initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Ryanteck SnowPi: .. attribute:: arms A :class:`LEDBoard` representing the arms of the snow man. It contains the following attributes: .. attribute:: left, right Two :class:`LEDBoard` objects representing the left and right arms of the snow-man. They contain: .. attribute:: top, middle, bottom The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` down the snow-man's arms. .. attribute:: eyes A :class:`LEDBoard` representing the eyes of the snow-man. It contains: .. attribute:: left, right The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` for the snow-man's eyes. .. attribute:: nose The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` for the snow-man's nose. """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): super(SnowPi, self).__init__( arms=LEDBoard( left=LEDBoard( top='BOARD11', middle='BOARD12', bottom='BOARD15', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('top', 'middle', 'bottom'), pin_factory=pin_factory), right=LEDBoard( top='BOARD26', middle='BOARD24', bottom='BOARD21', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('top', 'middle', 'bottom'), pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('left', 'right'), pin_factory=pin_factory ), eyes=LEDBoard( left='BOARD16', right='BOARD18', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('left', 'right'), pin_factory=pin_factory ), nose='BOARD22', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('eyes', 'nose', 'arms'), pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class TrafficLightsBuzzer(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` and is a generic class for HATs with traffic lights, a button and a buzzer. :param TrafficLights lights: An instance of :class:`TrafficLights` representing the traffic lights of the HAT. :param Buzzer buzzer: An instance of :class:`Buzzer` representing the buzzer on the HAT. :param Button button: An instance of :class:`Button` representing the button on the HAT. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. attribute:: lights The :class:`TrafficLights` instance passed as the *lights* parameter. .. attribute:: buzzer The :class:`Buzzer` instance passed as the *buzzer* parameter. .. attribute:: button The :class:`Button` instance passed as the *button* parameter. """ def __init__(self, lights, buzzer, button, pin_factory=None): super(TrafficLightsBuzzer, self).__init__( lights=lights, buzzer=buzzer, button=button, _order=('lights', 'buzzer', 'button'), pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class FishDish(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` for the `Pi Supply FishDish`_: traffic light LEDs, a button and a buzzer. The FishDish pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example waits for the button to be pressed on the FishDish, then turns on all the LEDs:: from gpiozero import FishDish fish = FishDish() fish.button.wait_for_press() fish.lights.on() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Pi Supply FishDish: """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, pin_factory=None): super(FishDish, self).__init__( lights=TrafficLights( 'BOARD21', 'BOARD15', 'BOARD7', pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory ), buzzer=Buzzer('BOARD24', pin_factory=pin_factory), button=Button('BOARD26', pull_up=False, pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('lights', 'buzzer', 'button'), pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class TrafficHat(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` for the `Pi Supply Traffic HAT`_: a board with traffic light LEDs, a button and a buzzer. The Traffic HAT pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example waits for the button to be pressed on the Traffic HAT, then turns on all the LEDs:: from gpiozero import TrafficHat hat = TrafficHat() hat.button.wait_for_press() hat.lights.on() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Pi Supply Traffic HAT: """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, pin_factory=None): super(TrafficHat, self).__init__( lights=TrafficLights( 'BOARD18', 'BOARD16', 'BOARD15', pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory ), buzzer=Buzzer('BOARD29', pin_factory=pin_factory), button=Button('BOARD22', pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('lights', 'buzzer', 'button'), pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class TrafficpHat(TrafficLights): """ Extends :class:`TrafficLights` for the `Pi Supply Traffic pHAT`_: a small board with traffic light LEDs. The Traffic pHAT pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example then turns on all the LEDs:: from gpiozero import TrafficpHat phat = TrafficpHat() phat.blink() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Pi Supply Traffic pHAT: """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): super(TrafficpHat, self).__init__( red='BOARD22', amber='BOARD18', green='BOARD16', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class Robot(SourceMixin, CompositeDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeDevice` to represent a generic dual-motor robot. This class is constructed with two tuples representing the forward and backward pins of the left and right controllers respectively. For example, if the left motor's controller is connected to GPIOs 4 and 14, while the right motor's controller is connected to GPIOs 17 and 18 then the following example will drive the robot forward:: from gpiozero import Robot robot = Robot(left=(4, 14), right=(17, 18)) robot.forward() :param tuple left: A tuple of two (or three) GPIO pins representing the forward and backward inputs of the left motor's controller. Use three pins if your motor controller requires an enable pin. :param tuple right: A tuple of two (or three) GPIO pins representing the forward and backward inputs of the right motor's controller. Use three pins if your motor controller requires an enable pin. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True` (the default), construct :class:`PWMOutputDevice` instances for the motor controller pins, allowing both direction and variable speed control. If :data:`False`, construct :class:`DigitalOutputDevice` instances, allowing only direction control. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. attribute:: left_motor The :class:`Motor` on the left of the robot. .. attribute:: right_motor The :class:`Motor` on the right of the robot. """ def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, pwm=True, pin_factory=None, *args): # *args is a hack to ensure a useful message is shown when pins are # supplied as sequential positional arguments e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5 if not isinstance(left, tuple) or not isinstance(right, tuple): raise GPIOPinMissing('left and right motor pins must be given as ' 'tuples') super(Robot, self).__init__( left_motor=Motor(*left, pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory), right_motor=Motor(*right, pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('left_motor', 'right_motor'), pin_factory=pin_factory ) @property def value(self): """ Represents the motion of the robot as a tuple of (left_motor_speed, right_motor_speed) with ``(-1, -1)`` representing full speed backwards, ``(1, 1)`` representing full speed forwards, and ``(0, 0)`` representing stopped. """ return super(Robot, self).value @value.setter def value(self, value): self.left_motor.value, self.right_motor.value = value
[docs] def forward(self, speed=1, **kwargs): """ Drive the robot forward by running both motors forward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. :param float curve_left: The amount to curve left while moving forwards, by driving the left motor at a slower speed. Maximum *curve_left* is 1, the default is 0 (no curve). This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter, and is mutually exclusive with *curve_right*. :param float curve_right: The amount to curve right while moving forwards, by driving the right motor at a slower speed. Maximum *curve_right* is 1, the default is 0 (no curve). This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter, and is mutually exclusive with *curve_left*. """ curve_left = kwargs.pop('curve_left', 0) curve_right = kwargs.pop('curve_right', 0) if kwargs: raise TypeError('unexpected argument %s' % kwargs.popitem()[0]) if not 0 <= curve_left <= 1: raise ValueError('curve_left must be between 0 and 1') if not 0 <= curve_right <= 1: raise ValueError('curve_right must be between 0 and 1') if curve_left != 0 and curve_right != 0: raise ValueError("curve_left and curve_right can't be used at " "the same time") self.left_motor.forward(speed * (1 - curve_left)) self.right_motor.forward(speed * (1 - curve_right))
[docs] def backward(self, speed=1, **kwargs): """ Drive the robot backward by running both motors backward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. :param float curve_left: The amount to curve left while moving backwards, by driving the left motor at a slower speed. Maximum *curve_left* is 1, the default is 0 (no curve). This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter, and is mutually exclusive with *curve_right*. :param float curve_right: The amount to curve right while moving backwards, by driving the right motor at a slower speed. Maximum *curve_right* is 1, the default is 0 (no curve). This parameter can only be specified as a keyword parameter, and is mutually exclusive with *curve_left*. """ curve_left = kwargs.pop('curve_left', 0) curve_right = kwargs.pop('curve_right', 0) if kwargs: raise TypeError('unexpected argument %s' % kwargs.popitem()[0]) if not 0 <= curve_left <= 1: raise ValueError('curve_left must be between 0 and 1') if not 0 <= curve_right <= 1: raise ValueError('curve_right must be between 0 and 1') if curve_left != 0 and curve_right != 0: raise ValueError("curve_left and curve_right can't be used at " "the same time") self.left_motor.backward(speed * (1 - curve_left)) self.right_motor.backward(speed * (1 - curve_right))
[docs] def left(self, speed=1): """ Make the robot turn left by running the right motor forward and left motor backward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. """ self.right_motor.forward(speed) self.left_motor.backward(speed)
[docs] def right(self, speed=1): """ Make the robot turn right by running the left motor forward and right motor backward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. """ self.left_motor.forward(speed) self.right_motor.backward(speed)
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Reverse the robot's current motor directions. If the robot is currently running full speed forward, it will run full speed backward. If the robot is turning left at half-speed, it will turn right at half-speed. If the robot is currently stopped it will remain stopped. """ self.left_motor.reverse() self.right_motor.reverse()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the robot. """ self.left_motor.stop() self.right_motor.stop()
[docs]class RyanteckRobot(Robot): """ Extends :class:`Robot` for the `Ryanteck motor controller board`_. The Ryanteck MCB pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example drives the robot forward:: from gpiozero import RyanteckRobot robot = RyanteckRobot() robot.forward() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True` (the default), construct :class:`PWMOutputDevice` instances for the motor controller pins, allowing both direction and variable speed control. If :data:`False`, construct :class:`DigitalOutputDevice` instances, allowing only direction control. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Ryanteck motor controller board: """ def __init__(self, pwm=True, pin_factory=None): super(RyanteckRobot, self).__init__( left=('BOARD11', 'BOARD12'), right=('BOARD15', 'BOARD16'), pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class CamJamKitRobot(Robot): """ Extends :class:`Robot` for the `CamJam #3 EduKit`_ motor controller board. The CamJam robot controller pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example drives the robot forward:: from gpiozero import CamJamKitRobot robot = CamJamKitRobot() robot.forward() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True` (the default), construct :class:`PWMOutputDevice` instances for the motor controller pins, allowing both direction and variable speed control. If :data:`False`, construct :class:`DigitalOutputDevice` instances, allowing only direction control. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _CamJam #3 EduKit: """ def __init__(self, pwm=True, pin_factory=None): super(CamJamKitRobot, self).__init__( left=('BOARD21', 'BOARD19'), right=('BOARD26', 'BOARD24'), pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class PhaseEnableRobot(SourceMixin, CompositeDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeDevice` to represent a dual-motor robot based around a Phase/Enable motor board. This class is constructed with two tuples representing the phase (direction) and enable (speed) pins of the left and right controllers respectively. For example, if the left motor's controller is connected to GPIOs 12 and 5, while the right motor's controller is connected to GPIOs 13 and 6 so the following example will drive the robot forward:: from gpiozero import PhaseEnableRobot robot = PhaseEnableRobot(left=(5, 12), right=(6, 13)) robot.forward() :param tuple left: A tuple of two GPIO pins representing the phase and enable inputs of the left motor's controller. :param tuple right: A tuple of two GPIO pins representing the phase and enable inputs of the right motor's controller. :param bool pwm: If :data:`True` (the default), construct :class:`PWMOutputDevice` instances for the motor controller's enable pins, allowing both direction and variable speed control. If :data:`False`, construct :class:`DigitalOutputDevice` instances, allowing only direction control. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. attribute:: left_motor The :class:`PhaseEnableMotor` on the left of the robot. .. attribute:: right_motor The :class:`PhaseEnableMotor` on the right of the robot. """ def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, pwm=True, pin_factory=None, *args): # *args is a hack to ensure a useful message is shown when pins are # supplied as sequential positional arguments e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5 if not isinstance(left, tuple) or not isinstance(right, tuple): raise GPIOPinMissing( 'left and right motor pins must be given as tuples' ) super(PhaseEnableRobot, self).__init__( left_motor=PhaseEnableMotor(*left, pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory), right_motor=PhaseEnableMotor(*right, pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('left_motor', 'right_motor'), pin_factory=pin_factory ) @property def value(self): """ Returns a tuple of two floating point values (-1 to 1) representing the speeds of the robot's two motors (left and right). This property can also be set to alter the speed of both motors. """ return super(PhaseEnableRobot, self).value @value.setter def value(self, value): self.left_motor.value, self.right_motor.value = value
[docs] def forward(self, speed=1): """ Drive the robot forward by running both motors forward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. """ self.left_motor.forward(speed) self.right_motor.forward(speed)
[docs] def backward(self, speed=1): """ Drive the robot backward by running both motors backward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. """ self.left_motor.backward(speed) self.right_motor.backward(speed)
[docs] def left(self, speed=1): """ Make the robot turn left by running the right motor forward and left motor backward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. """ self.right_motor.forward(speed) self.left_motor.backward(speed)
[docs] def right(self, speed=1): """ Make the robot turn right by running the left motor forward and right motor backward. :param float speed: Speed at which to drive the motors, as a value between 0 (stopped) and 1 (full speed). The default is 1. """ self.left_motor.forward(speed) self.right_motor.backward(speed)
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Reverse the robot's current motor directions. If the robot is currently running full speed forward, it will run full speed backward. If the robot is turning left at half-speed, it will turn right at half-speed. If the robot is currently stopped it will remain stopped. """ self.left_motor.value = -self.left_motor.value self.right_motor.value = -self.right_motor.value
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the robot. """ self.left_motor.stop() self.right_motor.stop()
[docs]class PololuDRV8835Robot(PhaseEnableRobot): """ Extends :class:`PhaseEnableRobot` for the `Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit`_. The Pololu DRV8835 pins are fixed and therefore there's no need to specify them when constructing this class. The following example drives the robot forward:: from gpiozero import PololuDRV8835Robot robot = PololuDRV8835Robot() robot.forward() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True` (the default), construct :class:`PWMOutputDevice` instances for the motor controller's enable pins, allowing both direction and variable speed control. If :data:`False`, construct :class:`DigitalOutputDevice` instances, allowing only direction control. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit: """ def __init__(self, pwm=True, pin_factory=None): super(PololuDRV8835Robot, self).__init__( left=('BOARD29', 'BOARD32'), right=('BOARD31', 'BOARD33'), pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory )
class _EnergenieMaster(SharedMixin, CompositeOutputDevice): def __init__(self, pin_factory=None): self._lock = Lock() super(_EnergenieMaster, self).__init__( *( OutputDevice(pin, pin_factory=pin_factory) for pin in ('BOARD11', 'BOARD15', 'BOARD16', 'BOARD13') ), mode=OutputDevice('BOARD18', pin_factory=pin_factory), enable=OutputDevice('BOARD22', pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('mode', 'enable'), pin_factory=pin_factory ) def close(self): if getattr(self, '_lock', None): with self._lock: super(_EnergenieMaster, self).close() self._lock = None @classmethod def _shared_key(cls, pin_factory): # There's only one Energenie master return None def transmit(self, socket, enable): with self._lock: try: code = (8 * bool(enable)) + (8 - socket) for bit in self[:4]: bit.value = (code & 1) code >>= 1 sleep(0.1) self.enable.on() sleep(0.25) finally:
[docs]class Energenie(SourceMixin, Device): """ Extends :class:`Device` to represent an `Energenie socket`_ controller. This class is constructed with a socket number and an optional initial state (defaults to :data:`False`, meaning off). Instances of this class can be used to switch peripherals on and off. For example:: from gpiozero import Energenie lamp = Energenie(1) lamp.on() :param int socket: Which socket this instance should control. This is an integer number between 1 and 4. :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: The initial state of the socket. As Energenie sockets provide no means of reading their state, you may provide an initial state for the socket, which will be set upon construction. This defaults to :data:`False` which will switch the socket off. Specifying :data:`None` will not set any initial state nor transmit any control signal to the device. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Energenie socket: """ def __init__(self, socket=None, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): if socket is None: raise EnergenieSocketMissing('socket number must be provided') if not (1 <= socket <= 4): raise EnergenieBadSocket('socket number must be between 1 and 4') self._value = None super(Energenie, self).__init__(pin_factory=pin_factory) self._socket = socket self._master = _EnergenieMaster(pin_factory=pin_factory) if initial_value: self.on() elif initial_value is not None: def close(self): if getattr(self, '_master', None): self._master.close() self._master = None @property def closed(self): return self._master is None def __repr__(self): try: self._check_open() return "<gpiozero.Energenie object on socket %d>" % self._socket except DeviceClosed: return "<gpiozero.Energenie object closed>" @property def socket(self): """ Returns the socket number. """ return self._socket @property def value(self): """ Returns :data:`True` if the socket is on and :data:`False` if the socket is off. Setting this property changes the state of the socket. Returns :data:`None` only when constructed with :data:`initial_value` set to :data:`None` and neither :data:`on()` nor :data:`off()` have been called since construction. """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): if value is None: raise TypeError('value cannot be None') value = bool(value) self._master.transmit(self._socket, value) self._value = value
[docs] def on(self): """ Turns the socket on. """ self.value = True
[docs] def off(self): """ Turns the socket off. """ self.value = False
[docs]class PumpkinPi(LEDBoard): """ Extends :class:`LEDBoard` for the `ModMyPi PumpkinPi`_ board. There are twelve LEDs connected up to individual pins, so for the PumpkinPi the pins are fixed. For example:: from gpiozero import PumpkinPi pumpkin = PumpkinPi(pwm=True) pumpkin.sides.pulse() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances :type initial_value: bool or None :param initial_value: If :data:`False` (the default), all LEDs will be off initially. If :data:`None`, each device will be left in whatever state the pin is found in when configured for output (warning: this can be on). If :data:`True`, the device will be switched on initially. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _ModMyPi PumpkinPi: .. attribute:: sides A :class:`LEDBoard` representing the LEDs around the edge of the pumpkin. It contains: .. attribute:: left, right Two :class:`LEDBoard` instances representing the LEDs on the left and right sides of the pumpkin. They each contain: .. attribute:: top, midtop, middle, midbottom, bottom Each :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` around the specified side of the pumpkin. .. attribute:: eyes A :class:`LEDBoard` representing the eyes of the pumpkin. It contains: .. attribute:: left, right The :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` for each of the pumpkin's eyes. """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None): super(PumpkinPi, self).__init__( sides=LEDBoard( left=LEDBoard( bottom='BOARD12', midbottom='BOARD11', middle='BOARD36', midtop='BOARD33', top='BOARD18', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('bottom', 'midbottom', 'middle', 'midtop', 'top'), pin_factory=pin_factory), right=LEDBoard( bottom='BOARD35', midbottom='BOARD38', middle='BOARD40', midtop='BOARD15', top='BOARD16', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('bottom', 'midbottom', 'middle', 'midtop', 'top'), pin_factory=pin_factory), pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('left', 'right'), pin_factory=pin_factory ), eyes=LEDBoard( left='BOARD32', right='BOARD31', pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('left', 'right'), pin_factory=pin_factory ), pwm=pwm, initial_value=initial_value, _order=('eyes', 'sides'), pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs]class JamHat(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` for the `ModMyPi JamHat`_ board. There are 6 LEDs, two buttons and a tonal buzzer. The pins are fixed. Usage:: from gpiozero import JamHat hat = JamHat() hat.button_1.wait_for_press() hat.lights_1.on()'C4') hat.button_2.wait_for_press() :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED on the board. If :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _ModMyPi JamHat: .. attribute:: lights_1, lights_2 Two :class:`LEDBoard` instances representing the top (lights_1) and bottom (lights_2) rows of LEDs on the JamHat. .. attribute:: red, yellow, green :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` instances representing the red, yellow, and green LEDs along the top row. .. attribute:: button_1, button_2 The left (button_1) and right (button_2) :class:`Button` objects on the JamHat. .. attribute:: buzzer The :class:`TonalBuzzer` at the bottom right of the JamHat. """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, pin_factory=None): super(JamHat, self).__init__( lights_1=LEDBoard( red='BOARD29', yellow='BOARD32', green='BOARD36', pwm=pwm, _order=('red', 'yellow', 'green'), pin_factory=pin_factory ), lights_2=LEDBoard( red='BOARD31', yellow='BOARD33', green='BOARD11', pwm=pwm, _order=('red', 'yellow', 'green'), pin_factory=pin_factory), button_1=Button('BOARD35', pull_up=False, pin_factory=pin_factory), button_2=Button('BOARD12', pull_up=False, pin_factory=pin_factory), buzzer=TonalBuzzer('BOARD38', pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('lights_1', 'lights_2', 'button_1', 'button_2', 'buzzer'), pin_factory=pin_factory )
[docs] def on(self): """ Turns all the LEDs on and makes the buzzer play its mid tone. """ self.buzzer.value = 0 super(JamHat, self).on()
[docs] def off(self): """ Turns all the LEDs off and stops the buzzer. """ self.buzzer.value = None super(JamHat, self).off()
[docs]class Pibrella(CompositeOutputDevice): """ Extends :class:`CompositeOutputDevice` for the Cyntech/Pimoroni `Pibrella`_ board. The Pibrella board comprises 3 LEDs, a button, a tonal buzzer, four general purpose input channels, and four general purpose output channels (with LEDs). This class exposes the LEDs, button and buzzer. Usage:: from gpiozero import Pibrella pb = Pibrella() pb.button.wait_for_press() pb.lights.on()'A4') The four input and output channels are exposed so you can create GPIO Zero devices using these pins without looking up their respective pin numbers:: from gpiozero import Pibrella, LED, Button pb = Pibrella() btn = Button(pb.inputs.a, pull_up=False) led = LED(pb.outputs.e) btn.when_pressed = led.on :param bool pwm: If :data:`True`, construct :class:`PWMLED` instances to represent each LED on the board, otherwise if :data:`False` (the default), construct regular :class:`LED` instances. :type pin_factory: Factory or None :param pin_factory: See :doc:`api_pins` for more information (this is an advanced feature which most users can ignore). .. _Pibrella: .. attribute:: lights :class:`TrafficLights` instance representing the three LEDs .. attribute:: red, amber, green :class:`LED` or :class:`PWMLED` instances representing the red, amber, and green LEDs .. attribute:: button The red :class:`Button` object on the Pibrella .. attribute:: buzzer A :class:`TonalBuzzer` object representing the buzzer .. attribute:: inputs A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` of the input pin numbers .. attribute:: a, b, c, d .. attribute:: outputs A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` of the output pin numbers .. attribute:: e, f, g, h """ def __init__(self, pwm=False, pin_factory=None): super(Pibrella, self).__init__( lights=TrafficLights( red='BOARD13', amber='BOARD11', green='BOARD7', pwm=pwm, pin_factory=pin_factory ), button=Button('BOARD23', pull_up=False, pin_factory=pin_factory), buzzer=TonalBuzzer('BOARD12', pin_factory=pin_factory), _order=('lights', 'button', 'buzzer'), pin_factory=pin_factory ) InputPins = namedtuple('InputPins', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) OutputPins = namedtuple('OutputPins', ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']) self.inputs = InputPins( a='BOARD21', b='BOARD26', c='BOARD24', d='BOARD19' ) self.outputs = OutputPins( e='BOARD15', f='BOARD16', g='BOARD18', h='BOARD22' )
[docs] def on(self): """ Turns all the LEDs on and makes the buzzer play its mid tone. """ self.buzzer.value = 0 super(Pibrella, self).on()
[docs] def off(self): """ Turns all the LEDs off and stops the buzzer. """ self.buzzer.value = None super(Pibrella, self).off()